Question about transplaning clones and soil, please help...

I just got some clones and they are in dirt. I want to chang their pots to something larger, they are currently in small party cups.

I also don't know what soil the person used before me.(If it was ph adjusted, sterilized, ect.) I've got just a few questions about transplaning.

I want to give them Fox Farms ocean forest, is there anything else I should mix up into their soil before i move them into a bigger pot?

Can i shake off the old soil from the roots without hurting the clones?

How big of a pot should I move them to, and how many times can the pot be upgraded without hurting the clones?

Does it hurt to keep dirt plants near hydro plants?

Thanks for the help everyone!


Well-Known Member
i cant speak for FF specifically but most soils should have no less then 10% perlite added. I use a mix of soil, perlite, vermucilitte, & spagnum peat moss.

no need to "shake" the roots, simply cut the party cups down both sides, slide out & put in ur new soil

u can repot a few times, but each time does stress the plant a day or two, but really no need to. u should pick ur final pot now to transplant. if u r going to grow it out to a finishing height of 3 ft-4ft, get a 3 gallon pot, plan to finish taller around 6 ft, get a 5 gallon.

near hydro plants? not understanding that q, why would it hurt them?

good luck
The reason I was asking if Fox Farms ocean forest needed anything added is because I thought I read somewhere that it already had everything. It shouldn't hurt if i add more perlite right and moss right?

For some reason I thought it might bring more pests if i introduced dirt near my hydro plants. I wanna try both ways.

Also should I sterilize the soil before I plant them?

Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Composted forest humus, sphagnum peat moss, Pacific Northwest sea-going fish, crab meal, shrimp meal, earthworm castings, vermicultural compost (bedding material and livestock manure), sandy loam, perlite, fossilized bat guano, granite dust, Norwegian kelp meal and oyster shell (for pH adjustment).

There r ur ingredients, so it already has a mixture of everything i suggested & more, so no ur ready to plant & go. Sterlize how? with heat, definite no, that would damage the mix, u need to do nothing to this but plant. If ur indoors & unless the soil has fungas gnats in it (highly doubt it w/this brand) then u should have no problem with bugs, that r mostly related to outdoor grows anyways.


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend anyone using straight Fertilized soil either. I amend mine with Pro-Mix to help with water retention and dilute the nutrient mix. I burned the shit out of some plants when I started adding nutrients to my Happy Frog, and I had a friend do the same with FFOF.


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend anyone using straight Fertilized soil either. I amend mine with Pro-Mix to help with water retention and dilute the nutrient mix. I burned the shit out of some plants when I started adding nutrients to my Happy Frog, and I had a friend do the same with FFOF.

Ocean forest say's right on bag do not give nutrients for approx. a month (Check bag) Also I would watch for fungus gnats, cause I didn't have any & I tranplanted a mother into O.F., And within the month Got FUCKin Gnats! I had to water with Gnatural. And I got those yellow sticky papers! Since I been on this site heard others having some problem w/O.F., not saying it's bad just watch for pests.


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest say's right on bag do not give nutrients for approx. a month (Check bag) Also I would watch for fungus gnats, cause I didn't have any & I tranplanted a mother into O.F., And within the month Got FUCKin Gnats! I had to water with Gnatural. And I got those yellow sticky papers! Since I been on this site heard others having some problem w/O.F., not saying it's bad just watch for pests.
I haven't used OF, I'm still finishing up a batch of HF. I'll prob be switching to something else soon. I have heard about OF having pests, that is what caused me to not go to it. That's good to know about OF though not needing nutes for the first month. I would say Happy Frog would be the same. I didn't stop seeing burn signs until about 2nd week into flowering. If you want to use nutes then don't use 100% fertilized soil. If you don't wanna use veg nutes then just pH some water and use the soil. :)

Jack Larson

Active Member
I woild use one of the sterile soil mixes on the market. Like Roots Organic or Super Soil. then use nutes like Botannicare Pro Grow & Pro Bloom with a beneficial fungus like ZHO to increase nutrient uptake. It's not worth the exposure to your hydro system of non-beneficial organisms, ie bugs, larvae or even mold.
I'm not saying FF is full of bugs, just that it's good to know for sure, before you expose other plants.
When they sterilize soil, it kills everything even the beneficials. So be sure to use a beneficial fungus supplement.