Question about Vics super soil


Active Member
1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit (uncovered) 1-2 weeks before use.

This is the mix i plan on using for my next grow. My only concern is ph. I use tap water so i know the ph of it is around 7-7.5. I know Non hydroponic soil mixes call for a ph of around 6-6.5

Will I need to buy ph down for this mix?


New Member
It will be to your benefit and the gardens as well if you do purchase some PH Down and up .. Youll find things such as Molasses to change your ph along with another common necessity Cal/Mag ...

Dolomite lime will buffer the soil and all but using water above 7.o will be disastrous in the long run ....... Might as well play safe while at it .........