Question about Water, nutes, and foliar feeding

I am using the fox farm soil feeding complete line, in ffof soil...If I have 0-1ppm water can I use full strength nutes or is it still recommended to use 1/2 strength nutes? Also, any tips on when to start foliar feeding and and how to determine whether I've foliar fed enough would be much obliged... Skywalker Kush seeds in progress #Can'tWAIT


Well-Known Member
I'd go with 1/3 or 1/2 the recommended dosage for foliar feeding ESPECIALLY if your using fox farm ocean forest soil!


Well-Known Member
Actually I will recommend beginning with 1/4 strength nutrients. This is assuming that no matter what brand soil you use it will be nutrient fortified. If not soil you have a whole different game.


Well-Known Member
i never go full strength in dwc theres no buffer one time to hot and its all over but the crying the manafacters want you to use it up fast so you can buy more if you read the problems that people on here have a lot is do to over feeding the plants ether nutes lockout or nutes burns every buddy wants to push the plant as hard as they can and whine when when they have problems