Question about watering amount.


Well-Known Member
Obviously as plant gets older and bigger it needs more. Ive been seeing people say they give 5 gallon pal to each plant each week and i just cant imagine dumping that much water on a plant even if its 6 feet tall.

Basically my clones are in bags in the ground cause its swampy around it so the water wont really leave the bag but water wont flood in the bag.

I was use to a gallon every 5 days for a full size plant


Well-Known Member
please dont give me a wait to see drainage or just check and see what your leaves like type answer. Im looking for a measurable amount to end water amount threads.


Active Member
what is it with you people and being so damn picky about every little detail. water it let it drain to the bottom as soon as water drains from all side of the pot to the bottom your done. TA DA


Obviously as plant gets older and bigger it needs more. Ive been seeing people say they give 5 gallon pal to each plant each week and i just cant imagine dumping that much water on a plant even if its 6 feet tall.

Basically my clones are in bags in the ground cause its swampy around it so the water wont really leave the bag but water wont flood in the bag.

I was use to a gallon every 5 days for a full size plant
5 gallons of water a week for an outdoor developed cannabis plant doesn't seem like too much to me. It really all depends on the plant and the its development/growth stage. Sorry there isn't an exact answer bud.
All the best,

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Lol 5 gallons a week...

Last summer my monsters were drinking 15 gallons A DAY easily..

They wanted more, but thats all I could offer.

Plants, like humans are 90 some % water, and when its very hot, they, just like you, need to drink ALLOT of water and eat lots of food to grow big and strong.


yea homie 1gal per 5 days sounds way indoors drink a gal a day no prob in 15gal smart pots...i couldnt skip a day if i wanted these bitches be thirstey


Well-Known Member
Watering amount and frequency of your marijuana plant depends on many factors, such as the temperature and lighting; the age, the size and the stage of growth; and the medium where you are planting your cannabis strain.
Yup, there is no pat answer. Water em when they need water, and give them as much as they need. It ain't rocket science.

And if they are in bags in the ground that won't allow swampy water in...then what you water them with wouldn't drain out either. Dead plants


Well-Known Member
Yup, there is no pat answer. Water em when they need water, and give them as much as they need. It ain't rocket science.

And if they are in bags in the ground that won't allow swampy water in...then what you water them with wouldn't drain out either. Dead plants
What ^he^ said
i water 350gal boxes 50gal eod. when summer heats up. but this is a 350 gal could get one of those meters that tell you if its good


Well-Known Member
Lol 5 gallons a week...

Last summer my monsters were drinking 15 gallons A DAY easily..

They wanted more, but thats all I could offer.

Plants, like humans are 90 some % water, and when its very hot, they, just like you, need to drink ALLOT of water and eat lots of food to grow big and strong.
Yeah. Me too.