Question about when to add nutes, and about ppm????


Active Member
Ok to keep it simple lets just say I want a ppm of 1000. So I have a 40gal res... I fill it up with 40gal of plain water add my nutes till it's at 1000ppm, adjust my ph to 5.5. I have that correct so far right? Ok heres my questions..

1-The next day if it was 1200ppm I add plain water until its at 1000 again and next feeding I use less nutes like around 800ppm or keep using 1000ppm?

2- If the next day it was at 800ppm do I add more nutes until its back up to 1000ppm or do I only add nutes once a week?


Well-Known Member
Normally you would let the plants guide you.....this would change depending on strains.....some might want 1000PPM and no more or no less....some might like 800PPM.....

If you were at 800PPM for example and the next day PH shot up and PPM went down like to say 600PPM.....that would tell you that the plants want a stronger solution so bump it up to a 1000.....if the opposite happens, PH drops and PPM rises, then the nutrient solution is to strong......forget the numbers bro....go by what the plants look like, and what your readings tell you...they will be your guide......there is no set in stone way of doing things really......I have yet to see a strain take more or need more than 800PPM even during peak flowering......

Also forget PPM' on a nutrient profile instead based on EC as it is a MUCH more accurate way. Things will quickly become "dialed in"........

If your using alot of additives, make sure your base nutrients equals at least 70% of your solution.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
like i said before i agree mainly with the statements above. Dialing in the mixture is key so the plant absorbs the compounds evenly as possible. This will steady your PH unless other thing like algae come into play.