Question about wild pot

you can find lots of videos on youtube they call them landrace. most will flower a long time some people say high is totally different than regular weed.
you should get better results than a plant that had only rain and shitty soil. but probably not soo much better than the original.

but as rest of people said america has a strong hemp history there is a huge chance its hemp
There is a difference between landrace and hemp buddy
Yes peeps take landrace to breed and some of them are insane I run a skunk who likes 45c no stress and another Hindi that’s flavors so deep you feel like ya need to dileute it
But I have one landrace says it’s 13thc only but compared to my dog32 it wrecks me cause it has terpines todays strains do not and thc is not the sole ingredient that gives effects so many interact with each other and relate to different peoples needs
All depends if your body needs more mycrene or limoline etc strains can be tailored to health just as much as any pharmaceuticals just safe lol

but I’d say that’s hemp not a landrace states hasalot Of it about it supplied animal to housing industry bedding to walls etc
i fought america was popular with hemp and thats the only thing that grows naturally around you and if i remember correctly hemp is canabis sativa family?
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It’s hemp. Probably not worth trying to grow because the potency will be low no matter if you can keep it from getting pollinated or not. Also if you do any kind of outdoor grow near those fields where wild hemp is growing the hemp will pollinate your plants too.

During world war 2 hemp was grown all over the Midwest as part of the war effort and its very common to see it growing wild. Summer time along I-65 in Indiana when you see big areas of green growth it’s wild hemp.
the bud in the picture doesnt actually look loke hemp
I just have a couple questions! I’m totally new to growing. I just bought my first house and decided to try growing pot for a hobby! It works out perfect since I smoke daily.. Around 4 months ago I started doing my research and slowly bought everything I need and started my first auto grow about a month ago! I love it and I’m glad I found this forum for all my questions!

let’s get to them.

So long story short, one of my friends has had wild pot plants growing in his fields since his dad can remember (50 plus years) and we’ve found plants with actual bud on them over the years but it’s hit and miss.. it’s really bad quality but we’ve smoked it and have got high. If I were to get the seeds and actually grow them in a controlled environment do you think the quality of the bud would be better? Do people actually find wild pot plants and try and breed them in home?Is it possible to find out the genetics of the plant to connect it with what it is? Is there a niche group of people that like experimenting with wild pot plants? Thanks!

(I know it’s bad bad quality) I’m just asking could growing it in a tent with proper lightning, nutrients, watering make it look and smoke better?

the only picture I could find is a screenshot I took from a video snip I recorded two or three years ago
u said u got high so my advice is to grow some
the bud in the picture doesnt actually look loke hemp

i lived in Indiana for a few years and the wild hemp that grows there boggles the mind. 20 plus feet tall and covered in buds. You did used to hear about the cops busting people for trying to harvest it but the truth is even the buds weren’t worth smoking. People would actually sell it but you knew right away it was ditch weed.
i lived in Indiana for a few years and the wild hemp that grows there boggles the mind. 20 plus feet tall and covered in buds. You did used to hear about the cops busting people for trying to harvest it but the truth is even the buds weren’t worth smoking. People would actually sell it but you knew right away it was ditch weed.
Oh i didn t knew that...
Lived in Wisconsin for years in a former life. Central and Southern regions are just full of it, lots on section roads in farm country and farms are everywhere there. Most near intersections. Same places asparagus grows.

It would be interesting to have some analyzed.
We screwed around with ditch weed in the 60's. The only shit that worked was a harvest just before the frost in Iowa (late Sept. 1964). Not sure if it was the CBD but we did get stoned. I made some good money off it since weed was scarce in the farm belt back then. Never found another patch that worked.

Don't waste your time if you're growing indoors, just buy some decent seeds and don't look back.