Question about yield, in Michigan.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i put about 27 female SSSDH outside last week! 12 were about 1 foot tall, and the other 15 were about 8 inches tall. The first 15 of them have been topped. I have them in 2X2 holes, filled with Ocean Forrest. I am using Fox Farm nutes right now. I have a few question. When should i start adding mollasses to the feeding? And also, from what ive given you above, how much could i possibly be seeing as a yield? Pictures will be verryyy soon! thanks!


Well-Known Member
I would not use mollases for outside plants. the sweet smell could attract more that sweet buds!


Mix the mollases into your water dureing flowering/flushing. Depending on what kind of season we get and what kind of genetics you have you should expect anwhere from 1/4 pound to 2 pounds per plant


Well-Known Member
i use molasses all thru the grow it is a huge source of carbs /sugars . u want pest control spray the area down with neem oil 1.5 tbs per gallon in a sprayer . as far as nutes i dont think ull need any for a while if u have 2x2 holes full of ffof . yield , i cant say , if u have a good season and dont mess around and f#ck ure plants up id say good depending on how long they take 2 flower considering ure northerly lat .