They are stretched that's why they're toppling over . cause they're tall and the fan was blowing on them next thing I know the plant was getting crooked and started toppling over. Both tall one. The smaller one is finetry moving ur light further away and try and get them to stretch
Bend your stems several times per day, to encourage them to toughen up. Then, once they are out of the toothpick splint stage, point a fan at them to toughen them up some more.
Wat I did now is put the fan pointing at the light(which are now 8" from the top of the plants and no real heat) to keep it cool. So it still gets a breeze but the air from the fan isn't blowing directly on it. See, the fan isn't an oscillating fan, so I don't know if that is a difference in cooling. I've got 2 of those square fans. one blowin in the closet and one up high blowin the air out of the closet.No...
Using a fan from day one is good, but if that wasn't enough to strengthen it up and the light was that close then all you need to do is add more dirt on top to cover more stem until it's fine again.
Keep the fan going... But don't abuse it when it's that weak already, it can't take it yet.
that's wat I'm thinking. Thanks for seconding that. I'm getting up early and hit a couple of thrift stores or something.those fans look massive for such an imature plant u might wanna invest in a smaller fan
My lights were far away. And it say's in my growing book 12" to start which is what I did and worked it down to 6 "Yes build up some hydroton then to hold it, that's preferrable so the stem is still free to move up top with a smaller fan so it will fatten up and not just always stay weak.
And I see your problem there to start with. Your light bulb should be 18" away at this point and working closer as the plant gets stronger and larger.
With light that far away all it will do is stretch like mad again.