Question. Best PH level for watering plants in Soil?


Well-Known Member
Good News - to report! >>> Shez-perked-rite-up! (thank the God of Ganja!)

... was looking much better just hours after flushing with PH 6.5 ...


:) :clap:


Well-Known Member
Niice :) I was having the same problem. After ph-ing my water, it is clearing up. I have some Cal/Mag on it's way to me too. I am an outdoor girl, so was just doing what I do to the outdoor girls. Way different with indoor! So strange that the same water I use outside, does that ^^ to the inside girls? Glad you got a handle on it :)


Well-Known Member
Niice :) I was having the same problem. After ph-ing my water, it is clearing up. I have some Cal/Mag on it's way to me too. I am an outdoor girl, so was just doing what I do to the outdoor girls. Way different with indoor! So strange that the same water I use outside, does that ^^ to the inside girls? Glad you got a handle on it :)
Yeah it is funny... u'd think a weed wud just get-on-with-it........

but MJ's r fickle! just like people! they like their coffee-just-so........

