question bout fox farm ocean forest mix

Has anyone used this straight with mixed in perlite for growing seeds? Can you and would you recommend it I'm germinating seeds right now and wondering if I should out them in my 16oz cups pleas get back to me time is important
I have some seeds in ocean forest by itself, seems to be working fine, I hear they say not to over water when they are young, because it releases more nutes, and they can't handle too much nutes at that age, so be careful is all, but you can get the soil nice and wet before sticking 'em in there. I'm trying putting them directly in, no soak, and have the soil be nice and wet, I'll let you know how it goes maybe.


Well-Known Member
I mixed 2 parts FFOF, 1 part Perlite. Didn't feed them for 3 weeks, followed the chart at 1/4 strength for two weeks, then 1/2 strength for two weeks, then went full strength the second week of flowering.
It may burn them, Fox farm Light Warrior for seeds and clones work for me. Then transplant to ocean forest when they can handle the nutes.