Question concerning nail size to dabbers out there!


Well-Known Member

I just purchased my first rig (D020) *Its a chinese knock off (Yeah i know i know! My second rig will be American made. ) I just wanted to get started with a small set up to see if this thing is something i enjoy or not.

This is the piece in question:

I am currently shopping for a quartz banger and i was wondering if i needed to buy a male or female quartz to use on this piece.

Also, what is the difference when they say they are 10,14,18mm bangers. Do 18mm have to be used with 18mm rigs and so on?

Thanks for the help!
Yes they do- an 18mm nail fits into an 18mm joint. This rig has an 18mm female joint so you'll need to use an 18mm male to male piece to fit your nail and an 18mm dome which looks like it comes with. Personally I think quartz is the worst material for a nail because they get too hot for flavorful dabs. Go cheap on the rig- really doesn't matter - but I suggest getting a domeless Ti nail. Titanium allows for lower temp dabs which taste better especially when used in conjunction with a carb cap: when you allow the oil to smolder a bit under a carb cap any vapor you do not inhale right away is saved for another hit. A regular nail just let's it waft off into oblivion if you don't inhale it ALL or it gets sucked into the downtube & must later be reclaimed. You'll see what I mean after a few dabs on a conventional nail; go domeless Ti & you won't ever look back. Many domeless Ti nails are also universal so even if you get another rig in the future it's still gonna fit.
Yes they do- an 18mm nail fits into an 18mm joint. This rig has an 18mm female joint so you'll need to use an 18mm male to male piece to fit your nail and an 18mm dome which looks like it comes with. Personally I think quartz is the worst material for a nail because they get too hot for flavorful dabs. Go cheap on the rig- really doesn't matter - but I suggest getting a domeless Ti nail. Titanium allows for lower temp dabs which taste better especially when used in conjunction with a carb cap: when you allow the oil to smolder a bit under a carb cap any vapor you do not inhale right away is saved for another hit. A regular nail just let's it waft off into oblivion if you don't inhale it ALL or it gets sucked into the downtube & must later be reclaimed. You'll see what I mean after a few dabs on a conventional nail; go domeless Ti & you won't ever look back. Many domeless Ti nails are also universal so even if you get another rig in the future it's still gonna fit.

Thanks lot for this very detailed answer. I was looking at the Ti nails. My real issue is my funds right now. I am low on funds and cant afford the H.E infiniti ti nails @ 120$.

Is there other cheaper alternative that work as good from H.E and maybe cheaper in price?

I do not want to purchase ti nails from ebay or any other wholesale website where it wont be gr2 or probably bad ones.

Thanks once again and happy summer!
Yeah they sure are beating people over the heads for this shit- the high markup is just plain robbery - you do not have to buy a highly educated nail to get grade 2 Ti. Here's where I get mine and they are top quality:
Yeah they sure are beating people over the heads for this shit- the high markup is just plain robbery - you do not have to buy a highly educated nail to get grade 2 Ti. Here's where I get mine and they are top quality:

Once again a huge thank you. Tried to make an order and it says they cant do online payments. Hope i'll be able to work it out and hope they ship to Canada!

Take care!