question for 2nd grow

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
hey guys, i got 4 seedlings currently 2 and a half weeks old. under 1 soft white, 23 watt 2700k cfl. 2 of the plants are alot bigger than the other two, and i will be vegging these and putting them outside. so getting to my question.. should i get rid of the 2 smallest seedlings, and would the other 2 grow better under the light? any info on this is appreciated.


Active Member
you could pull them, but your chances of killing off females is 50/50.

make some room until you can sex them.


uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
one of them seems to be growing i dont know what out of the new node spot any ideas its a hard small yellow thing

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
one of them seems to be growing i dont know what out of the new node spot any ideas its a hard small yellow thing
Male flowers are generally yellowy green in appearance.

But like the dood before me said: That's a pretty poor description of the 'thing growing out the nodes'.

LOVE that Avatar dood .. make me chuckle for some reason, though I have no idea what it means :)

Take some photos. Post them here.

As for ripping ANY plants out, there's just no reason to do it unless you a) FInd they're male pants and DON'T want your females up the duff/preggo and seeding OR (b) the plant you're about the pull is sick or diseased and risks spreading to the other plants.

ALL your plants will do MUCH better outside, than under a shitty Flouro: There isn't a light made on earth that can come close to the Sun for light intensity. I don't actually know why you're even starting them under CFLs.. unless it's too cold/winter outside, all the plants should be moved outside as soon as possible.

MOST suburban houses don't allow for plants getting direct sunlight ALL day, but they should (like tomatoes) receive a minimum of 6 hours DIRECT sunlight each day.

What's with you doods stopping and asking shit like, "What's wrong with my plants?" then not sticking round for the answer.

Anyway, take some pics, and post them if you want any of us to be able to diagnose - anything much really: It's as close as we can come to coming to your grow and looking at the plants with our own eyes, which is often the only way to diagnose some issues.

EDIT: I assume it's winter outside, or getting there, and that's why you've started them under a light inside, but honestly, if you place them outside now, they'll still grow WHILE they flower. SO if your plants are half a foot now, when they've finished flowering, you'll end up with plants around 1.5-2.5 feet.

If you're only using one flourescent light, then I would recommend moving them outside to flower - regardless. Since the sun will promote much healthier plants, and if you're waiting for the plants to reach a certain 'height' under the flouro/CFL, you'll be waiting till winter is over and miss out on flowering them anyhoo.

If you move em outside you'll end-up with (depending on the strain) one nice cola on each growing tip. You should finish with at least a 6 inch solid cola on the crowns, maybe even bigger.

Anyway, stop torturing the poor little fuckers under that crappy CFL: you need several CFL's to give your plants half the light they need for healthy growth, so one CFL is just - cruel to the plants dood.

EDIT #2: Re-reading your original post: You don't even have a veging spectrum light. The 2700K warm white is for flowering, and without any supplimental from the blue end of the spectrum, yeah. Put em out to flower dood. Heaps of people plant seeds in 12/12 and they grow into huge, chunky buds.