
Active Member
I consistently get 3 ozs per plant in bubblers with a 400 watt hps and fox farm nutes.

That is with two plants and about 30 days veg.


Well-Known Member
The light is what gives you the bud, not the number of plants. You could have 9 big plants under a 1000 or 16 medium or even 24 small, it don't matter. You'll still get 1-2 lbs per light. The number of plants don't matter. I consistantly hit 2.25 or better for every 1000 watt light I use but I'm high tech; CO2, auto feeding, etc. If you want more, buy more equip.


Active Member
Damn dude, your the best first time grower i've ever seen!!!! Your going to have so much bud you could swim in it, you lucky bastard. ~ JRock.


Well-Known Member
I didn't ask the question to get stupid answers. It was just something to get some conversation going. If you read my very first post it says I know you can't predict it, there are so many things that play into it. I was just curious around what other growers get. It is my first grow and I love to talk about the plants and stuff to do with them. I can never have enough info. I just think its pointless to post if your just being a smart ass. Thanks for the comments that actually mean something or that are going with the post!


Active Member
Don't know who your gettin pissed at, but I meant what I said. Your plants are fuckin' awsome, and your going to have a lot-o-pot bro. ~ JRock.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Smokey MCPothead! I just did some tie downs today. I took quite a few photos. I plant on putting up a new post with some pics to get some comments. Ill post the link as soon as I get them posted. Thanks again. I am pretty proud of myself this being my first grow! YA YA!