question for all the canadians..

I would so live in Toronto, that is a beautiful place. I want to visit again since I smoke now. =]

If you do Hit the vapor lounge, and the kindred cafe. Both are 5 bucks to get in. Both have munchies but the Kindred is a much more comfortable place. Nice ambiance, and an abundance of drinks and edibles. They used to serve hashbrownies, and a nice Cannamilkshake, but since the raid they've gotten rid of those items.
If you do Hit the vapor lounge, and the kindred cafe. Both are 5 bucks to get in. Both have munchies but the Kindred is a much more comfortable place. Nice ambiance, and an abundance of drinks and edibles. They used to serve hashbrownies, and a nice Cannamilkshake, but since the raid they've gotten rid of those items.

Meh, I'm a bigger fan of our Hash bar in Venice than I am of vapes. I have a volcano at home so going to a vape lounge just seems pointless. Gimmie a shot of hash and I'm golden!

My stoner curiosity will still pull me in the lounge though, I'm sure lol.
Where? LCBO closes at 10. Beer Store closes at I've never seen either one of those open past 11. And I know you can't buy liquor before 10 on weekdays, and 12 on sundays.

In barrie there is a 24/7 beer store.And there are alot of places that are just convenience stores that sell booze whenever they are open, if ya dont live in the city. hamilton has a drive threw beerstore witch usally has some fine looking ladys there:peace:
In barrie there is a 24/7 beer store.And there are alot of places that are just convenience stores that sell booze whenever they are open, if ya dont live in the city. hamilton has a drive threw beerstore witch usally has some fine looking ladys there:peace:

I know of convinience stores that sell non-alcoholic beer. We do have a drive thru beer store...which is awesome...the chicks aren't that great though. I don't get how barrie has a 24/7 beer store when the beer store is mandated by the gov't of ontario.

I hate to do this, but I had to check the hours of operation of barrie. Not one listed a 24 hour location. I'm calling work.
Yeah, I havent heard of an LCBO open past 11, in Ontario anyways, I think there sonly one here that is open till 11, the rest close at 10
I've got two cents for this thread.
I love Canada. I have lived all across this country... and the West is the Best (that was for all you Easterners.. LOL.. I was born in Ottawa) It's a beautiful place with a great laid back atmosphere for the most part. But we have the same money hungry corporate 'democracy' as anywhere else. We are kept comfortable so we buy into a system that is meant to keep us spending money and working at our jobs. I don't feel "free' in Canada... but it's pretty easy to act free most of the time.
There are lots of small convenience stores out in small towns that have a mini lcbo/beer store in them.
But they arent allowed to sell liquor 24/7, they still have to follow certain restrictions such as they arent supposed to sell liquor between 11 pm and 10 am.
If they do, then they arent doing it legally.
He could be referring to them as native Americans because they're from the North American continent which would be accurate.*

*But he probably wasn't.

lol, yeah, I get that Native Americans would work, I just thought it sounded funny, native american's in canada, native canadians...haha...well it was funny when I read it, now that I've had to explain it a day later it's not.

Which is why I generally don't explain shit that I find funny if others don't get it.
lol, yeah, I get that Native Americans would work, I just thought it sounded funny, native american's in canada, native canadians...haha...well it was funny when I read it, now that I've had to explain it a day later it's not.

Which is why I generally don't explain shit that I find funny if others don't get it.
I apologize for ruining your joke wikid. I thought Native Americans in Canada was kinda funny myself. ahh nerd humor.:peace:
I apologize for ruining your joke wikid. I thought Native Americans in Canada was kinda funny myself. ahh nerd humor.:peace:

lol, it wasn't even my joke, I just read his post and thought it sounded funny and had to comment. But apparently people think I don't realize that I live on the continent of North America :roll::razz:
I live in a border city from the united states. Even when you go across the border to the states you can notice the difference in lifestyle. Streets has different rules of driving, you can buy liquor any time of day, the difference in prices for pretty much everything. Everything is so much cheaper in the United States compared to Canada.
I travelled through to South Carolina a couple years back and wow, some of the sights on the way just blew my mind. Driving through the mountains in Pennselvania, the different accents I heard in different states. We stopped in North Carolina and I was having a cigarette outside while the others went inside, and my girlfriend open the gas station door and told me to come smoke inside. Being in Canada you will never be allowed to smoke inside any establishment, store, anything that a business in run in. So this very new to me.
Best vacation ever driving through the states!
Lived in Canada all my life been to the US many times (florida, NY, hawaii, alaska, texas, vegas, california) And i will forever remain a canadian citizen and forever have my residence in canada...although i LOOOOOVE vegas.