question for card holders


Well-Known Member
Do any of you guys work in the health care industry, or some other industry that commonly drug test? Is MJ treated as any other prescribed meds in this instance?
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I don't... but I know they can still test you and refuse to give you a job even if you have a prescription. Recently there was a bill passed by the state senate that wouldve changed that, but ahnold vetoed it


Well-Known Member
we do not get a rulebook but yes the employer can refuse to hire you in Canada but i think some people get by by calling discrimination.


stays relevant.
here in California my lady works for one of the largest health insurance companies... they drug tester her, found pot, she provided her rec, and here she is a year later getting a raise. :)

it's really based on how you are, unless the HR people are dicks.