Question for exp. Growers


Active Member
I want to give my plant a 2 week flush. I also want to harvest at 50% amber tricomes. When should I start flushing to acuire this? When the amber trics first start showing? Or when they are all milky? This is my first harvest and do not know how fast the trics turn mily to amber. I need some experienced growers now more then anything!! Lol thanks

ps Im pretty sure I have around 1 month left till harvest.


Active Member
I would say start when you start to see amber trics they don't seem to go down hill as fast while flushing as opposed to ferting to the end!


Active Member
For sure thanks. Have any idea how many days it's takes for an amber tric to expire. While flushing?


Active Member
From when you start to see amber my guess is 2 weeks of flushing should put ya in the window you want!


Active Member
That is a guess assuming you are growing a 50 50 hybrid or something like that not a 16 week flowering sativa!