question for lights for pcbox


hi im from greece, in greece we have only one foroum and i thinking to add my question here and i dont know good english, so i start my question, how many watts is good for one pcbox for two lowryders and how many watts is the higher for one pcbox(for two lowryders) and who lamp is better(hps,cfl or...) ? thanks, im new grower and this is the first time to try grow marijuana and try to learn how,thanks again


Well-Known Member
i would use CFL's for a small box it would be really hard to fit a HPS in a small space and keep it cool

you could use LED's but would need ones that were kinda weak seeing how most led's need 12-20 inches of clearance depending on the diode and lens combination

CFL's you can get within a few inches with out burning the plant

how big is the space you are going to be growing in ?


Well-Known Member
I would run two cxa3050s at about 700ma which will stay verycool and out perform any other light. And you can keep it 6 inches away from the plant.


I ran 2 23w and that's the actual watt for one plant and here I am a month into my first grow and had to move into bigger home. cfl are forgiving. I am also growing an auto if that helps u out at all


Well-Known Member
I would say CFLs also, there are some good home LED lights that work but with the tight space you might have bleaching issues.