Well-Known Member
I'm going to try to make this short as possible but explain it as best as possible.
A few weeks ago I Oded on Seroquel here is the thread I created: https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/543978-last-night-i-overdosed-seroquel.html
I was watching DMT: The Spirit Molecule the other day and had came to the conclusion while watching it that my brain released DMT during the whole incident, It was about an hour in when I felt the full release.
During this time I felt this very whimsical psychedelic which was an overwhelming amount of pure emotions, It was like I was in the presence of god (SO HARD TO EXPLAIN PAST THIS POINT).
I was in this space, this infinity about everything It was like there was something watching me or knew about my arrival there a godly presence.
During this my I had a few CEV's patterns something similar to this, http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/250/d/f/grandjulianredgold_by_persistentaura-d2uc6zn.jpg
After the incident I had an amazing after glow, it was like life was renewed again. I had been through something not much people have been through... incredible rush of euphoria for a few days until that wore off. Once the after glow was gone the empty shell of what we call existence set in showed itself. The useless nature of life was causing severe depression and anxiety within me... It's like I was blindfolded and now I see things for what they really are.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading.
A few weeks ago I Oded on Seroquel here is the thread I created: https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/543978-last-night-i-overdosed-seroquel.html
I was watching DMT: The Spirit Molecule the other day and had came to the conclusion while watching it that my brain released DMT during the whole incident, It was about an hour in when I felt the full release.
During this time I felt this very whimsical psychedelic which was an overwhelming amount of pure emotions, It was like I was in the presence of god (SO HARD TO EXPLAIN PAST THIS POINT).
I was in this space, this infinity about everything It was like there was something watching me or knew about my arrival there a godly presence.
During this my I had a few CEV's patterns something similar to this, http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/250/d/f/grandjulianredgold_by_persistentaura-d2uc6zn.jpg
After the incident I had an amazing after glow, it was like life was renewed again. I had been through something not much people have been through... incredible rush of euphoria for a few days until that wore off. Once the after glow was gone the empty shell of what we call existence set in showed itself. The useless nature of life was causing severe depression and anxiety within me... It's like I was blindfolded and now I see things for what they really are.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading.