Question for you outside growers


Active Member
We put plants out but there always on our own property. We don't have a huge spread it's only 5 acres with our house in the middle so
you would know it is land that is lived on. Well low and behold on the edge of our property, down by the river there's 2
5 gallon buckets with 2 plants I didn't put there.I was like wtf!!! Really!!! I figure it's probably kids or someone really stupid. Needless to
say these are not staying here. I don't need people fucking with my property. They can grow on there own land instead of maybe bringing problems to me.

What should I do with these plants???


Active Member
Leave a polite note asking them to grow their plants elsewhere.
But what to do with the plants? There not staying on my property. I can't have them there. I am a legal
medicinal grower in my state and I'm not gonna risk anything by having those plants on my land. They must
be gone by morning! Plus why be polite when they knew we lived here and they tried to sneak onto my land.
I don't have no trespassing signs up for no reason. If this was out in the woods in nowhere land and I just
owned the property I'd be like hey good for them. But this is where I live. It's only 5 acres not like we live on a
huge piece of land.


Well-Known Member
I'd be polite and I wouldn't take their plants because they know where you live. If you are that concerned, report it to your local sheriff and ask that they include your property in their patrol.


Active Member
I'd be polite and I wouldn't take their plants because they know where you live. If you are that concerned, report it to your local sheriff and ask that they include your property in their patrol.
Really?/ Really? Read what you just wrote. Oh yea narc them out.Wow dude really?What do you want LO to bust them coming to check there plants?really? Plus I don't give a fuck if they know where I live. This isn't the city so there not gang members lol. There plants are trespassing and they knew it. They had to walk right by a sign.


Well-Known Member
You are pretty rude, I'm not a dude, and I don't like your attitude.

I know what I wrote. When we had vandalism at one of our properties, the local sheriff was very helpful.

I guess you just want someone to say it's okay to take their plants. I don't think that's a good idea.


Active Member
Take there plants? I don't want there plants lol. So can I come grow my weed on your property?
If you thinkI'm rude just stay out of my thread. Sorry I'm not cool with narcing people out no matter what.
I'm an old fart and there is a code we stick too.


Active Member
Really?/ Really? Read what you just wrote. Oh yea narc them out.Wow dude really?What do you want LO to bust them coming to check there plants?really? Plus I don't give a fuck if they know where I live. This isn't the city so there not gang members lol. There plants are trespassing and they knew it. They had to walk right by a sign.
Dude, chill a bit. Laney was only offering some advice. No need for the hostility. This is a place where people get together for advice and helpful suggestions. If you don't like her advice, you could say so in a non-douchey manner. Hate to say it, buy Wow! Simmer down now.


Active Member
How about you add some better security to you're place and stop bitchin.?
Why should I have to have extra security above and beyond what I have? Why do outdoor growers think they can grow wherever they want?
Don't worry ( end thread) I'm gonna get them off my property now.


Active Member
leave a note telling them to move their shit off your property asap!
asap might be too late. I grow legally for med patients
and if these hidden non conforming plants are found it could cost me my whole grow.I'm sure LO would love to shut me down.We had to register as caregivers. One of my patients is my hubby
and the though of anyone risking his health makes me crazy.Sorry if I came off as a bitch but this is my hubby who can be harmed.


Well-Known Member
asap might be too late. I grow legally for med patients
and if these hidden non conforming plants are found it could cost me my whole grow.I'm sure LO would love to shut me down.We had to register as caregivers. One of my patients is my hubby
and the though of anyone risking his health makes me crazy.Sorry if I came off as a bitch but this is my hubby who can be harmed.
they were there until now without any anyone finding them. leave a note say its on private property, and they need to be moved in 48 or 72 hrs or something. if they arent gone by then remove them yourself. if the plants have been there this long, its highly unlikely cops or some1 alike would come across them within 72 hrs, and choppers arent worried about 2 plants in 5 gal buckets


Active Member
Highly unlikely lol. I can't take that chance.PLus i didnt say but they weren't here last week. It's the beginning of flowering here so they came from someplace else.


Well-Known Member
Ok you come on here and ask what you should do...then laney gives you advice ..and your rude to her. If you don't want to leave a note then just move them down the river/stream off your land...done deal. If you need them gone ASAP then do it yourself. I don't understand why you would even need to ask random people on the net what you should do with something on your land?!? Your a grown up right!!? Do whatever you feel you need to do. A note would be the nice thing to do...but you seem like you don't care so...go down and throw them into the river and leave a note where they use to be saying ....* Next time don't grow on my land *

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
You should set them on fire by spraying water on them in full sun. Then take a shit right next to them, just to let the kids know that it isn't cool to grow on your land. Put bear traps out, you know, so other people don't trespass on your land. Fuck it, just boobie trap your entire property. Or hide in a deer stand and wait for them to come back, then shoot them and throw'em in the river.

everything I just typed was bullshit, fyi
C'mon now.

You either move the plants outside your property or destroy them.

It was left on your property so do with it as you please.

and you're so damn scared about it why even ask what to do with it. get it away from you or destroy it.....

If it was me tho, I'd be having two free plants :D
What kind of advice was Villa looking for? She shot down everything that was said to her and in a very rude manner. Why would she think twice about destroying them if she's that concerned about them being on her property. I sure as hell wouldn't feel bad about it. Cut them down or leave a note. I don't think its too difficult to figure out on your own.