question from noob


Hey guys which do you think has better penetration a 135 watt 7 band UFO LED or a 150w HPS?thanks for any suggestions


Well-Known Member
HPS. More reliable. Simple technology, easily available as a replacement. Bulbs $26 online at Amazon. LED is too new for decent prices and durable fixtures. Mind you we use them in OR! BUT they cost THOUSANDS!!!!!!!!!! Many THOUSANDS! We tested several brands and types of OR lights when we expanded. It was great, reps placed their lights in respective ORs and we actually worked with them. The LEDs were fantastic. Virtually no shadow patterns and cooler (always need and wanted in OR).

We settled on HID because we got like 4 for the price of 1 LED. We turned the AC up with the savings too.

BTW I am referring to an operating room, a surgical suite when I say OR.