question, help?


sup rollitup. Ok so usualy when me and my friend smoke we pass like 3-4 fat bowls and were good, usualy get smacked as fuck off that. But this weekend im getting another oz and i was just wondering can you rly get that much higher? would it be an insane high, or just a waste of weed if we passed like 10 fat bowls? just wondering cuz we always stop at like 4. thanks for help with my dumb question ahed of time lol.


Well-Known Member
I am old so my opinion really doesn't matter with this...BUT, I hate that the youngens' power smoke!!! I think it is dumb!! I watch my son and his buddies rip through an ounce on several occasions. I just don't get it! I don't think you will get that much higher and what a waste of weed. This is just my opinion, and, I am old.


I am old so my opinion really doesn't matter with this...BUT, I hate that the youngens' power smoke!!! I think it is dumb!! I watch my son and his buddies rip through an ounce on several occasions. I just don't get it! I don't think you will get that much higher and what a waste of weed. This is just my opinion, and, I am old.
i look at the opinion of seasoned tokers very highly so thanks for your input and answer bro


Well-Known Member
Try making some brownies. The high is a little different if you eat it. Something to try out. I smoke a couple hits and I'm high. I'm about to go hit the bubbler now. It depends what your smokin.


Try making some brownies. The high is a little different if you eat it. Something to try out. I smoke a couple hits and I'm high. I'm about to go hit the bubbler now. It depends what your smokin.
ah good point, i totaly forgot about brownies. can you link me to a good recipe for 2, and about how much weed to use? (like an 8th? mabye 4 grams? im guessing)?


Well-Known Member
I usually use an ounce or so of trim. 1 Pound of butter. Grind up the weed. Simmer the two together on a low heat for 1/2 hour or so. Stir once in a while. Strain into container. Makes enough butter for 2 boxes of brownies. Follow directions on the box. Substitute the oil for your cannabutter. Brownies will be potent.

bam bam

Active Member
Why dont you try and get yourself sober and then get high again. I think the point about getting high is going from a state of not being high to a state of being high. So just sober up, then get high again.

So smoke 4 bowls, enjoy the high, and then sober up a little bit, then smoke some more. Eat oranges, it has Vitamin C which will bring down your high. then smoke more after.


Well-Known Member
usually i just smoke a little til im high (couple bowls. a g last me and my girlfriend about 2 days) and not too much more. im a stoner on a budget. but recently my buddy bought an eighth and we smoked it all in about an hour or so. i didnt notice anything different than if i smoked a couple bowls. i was just high. like i reached a ceiling. just couldnt get higher...