Question, Need Help!

Was just wondering if I were to use light warrior for my plants for the first few weeks, then when I transfer.. can I use a plain soil and just feed it nutrients? or what should I do? soil is too expensive to just have nutrients in them for a few weeks...


Well-Known Member
If I am understanding "plain soil" right,are you referring to dirt from your yard or just cheap soil from the store? All soil contains some kind of nutrients already in them,but If you are going on the cheap but have nutes,plant them in whatever you can afford.


Well-Known Member
im thinking the OP wants to run light warrior, then switch to a promix type of soil (no nutes in soil), but then add nutes as needed. the additional nutes will add up to be equal to or more than running a good nute/soil combo (FFOF, light warrior, ect, imo).
im thinking the OP wants to run light warrior, then switch to a promix type of soil (no nutes in soil), but then add nutes as needed. the additional nutes will add up to be equal to or more than running a good nute/soil combo (FFOF, light warrior, ect, imo).
it actually won't, it's around 300 bucks for FFoF 3 pack for 3 months at full dose which I probably won't need, so I need some help and suggestions on what's efficient for an outdoor grow of 50 plants with around a 500 dollar budget.


Well-Known Member
With that being the scale your looking for I would search around for a recipe to make your own soil.
3.8cu ft bale of [COLOR=#009900 !important]premier[/COLOR] hort peat poss $14
40lb bag of composted organic forest hummus and chicken poo( or was it horse or cow, i believe they mightve even had a choice of all 3) $4
40lb bag of dolomitic lime $4
perlite (find it anywhere for cheap)
40lb organic worm castings $4
All credit to Subcool.I in know way shape or form own this idea
cheap! these few materials can provide everything your grow needs for a long time. say no to expensive commercial mixes and<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">[video=youtube;a-iIi3CzTNY][/video]
With that being the scale your looking for I would search around for a recipe to make your own soil.
3.8cu ft bale of [COLOR=#009900 !important]premier[/COLOR] hort peat poss $14
40lb bag of composted organic forest hummus and chicken poo( or was it horse or cow, i believe they mightve even had a choice of all 3) $4
40lb bag of dolomitic lime $4
perlite (find it anywhere for cheap)
40lb organic worm castings $4
All credit to Subcool.I in know way shape or form own this idea
cheap! these few materials can provide everything your grow needs for a long time. say no to expensive commercial mixes and<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">[video=youtube;a-iIi3CzTNY][/video]
Sounds pretty good (:


Active Member
With that being the scale your looking for I would search around for a recipe to make your own soil.
3.8cu ft bale of [COLOR=#009900 !important]premier[/COLOR] hort peat poss $14
40lb bag of composted organic forest hummus and chicken poo( or was it horse or cow, i believe they mightve even had a choice of all 3) $4
40lb bag of dolomitic lime $4
perlite (find it anywhere for cheap)
40lb organic worm castings $4
All credit to Subcool.I in know way shape or form own this idea
cheap! these few materials can provide everything your grow needs for a long time. say no to expensive commercial mixes and<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">[video=youtube;a-iIi3CzTNY][/video]
Is that the Supersoil formula? I do hydro, but was thinking about a soil for mother plants.

EDIT: Never mind, I watched the video.


Well-Known Member
I really like the Coco Not & other soiless mediums made from coconuts. I switched after 4 years of different soils and haven't looked back!