question of the year


Active Member
What NewGrowth said is absolutely true!

They are of the strain c. Ruderalis, and they autoflower which means they are Light Cycle Independantm. This means that photoperiod doesn't induce flowering in the c. Ruderalis strain, they start flowering a few weeks after growth.


Active Member
i figured that... so lowlife is basically not worth my time??? im tryin to get a loving mother not a cold hearted bitch lol.. so how bout this q??? i found a seed; started it; cloned it; and about 2 weeks after the clone rooted it showed a few pistils whats the chance of it bein a lowlife????

1. when i started seein pistils(before 12,12 cycle)
2. final hight of plant (after 1 week veg)
3. never finished (mabe the werent on right light cycle)

growing space from top of tote is 1.5 ft
maybe they were dwarfs????????????????????????
what do you guys think

