Question on getting busted.


Well-Known Member
You are buying into the propaganda man, just like they want. Research your state laws.

State By State Laws - NORML
What they all said, they would not be able to take the land.

It is probably safer than growing in your house actually. There are maximum fines for growing and they can hardly get you for commercial growing for one plant.

But as other people have already said here, if you are that freaked out by the possibility then why go to the trouble?


Well-Known Member
What they all said, they would not be able to take the land.

It is probably safer than growing in your house actually. There are maximum fines for growing and they can hardly get you for commercial growing for one plant.

But as other people have already said here, if you are that freaked out by the possibility then why go to the trouble?

cause i'm a 46 YO man and want to enjoy this wounderful plant growing EXP. in my lifetime but dont wanna lose the land as i've said o_O

and they (cant) take the land????? i always heard they will, that is what i've been trying to figguer out but no one has said anything about them taking it or not yet o_O


Well-Known Member
k my state does it like this picasso Cultivation 1000 plants or lessfelony2 years - life

Well, you certainly come in on the low side of 1000, lol.

What about asking your attorney? Tell him/her you found a few wild marijuana plants growing on your property and you just want to find out if you need to make sure you search the property and kill them all or if it is nothing to worry about.

Well-Known Member
allright say a choper by chance sees the one plant i'm growing under sum trees what will happen??? they rope down and chop it and leave? or chop it and come up to the house and pick me up ?? i ask cause i own 100 acres and i have 1 plant under sum trees..but dont wanna loose the land for one plant either.. any info on what will happen if it happens???
they gotta' get a warrant..will the judge feel his time is being wasted? also, if it's in the ground and can't be moved, they have to PROVE it wasn't that punk teenager down the street growing without your knowledge!

Well-Known Member
cause i'm a 46 YO man and want to enjoy this wounderful plant growing EXP. in my lifetime but dont wanna lose the land as i've said o_O

and they (cant) take the land????? i always heard they will, that is what i've been trying to figguer out but no one has said anything about them taking it or not yet o_O
they aren't gonna' use seizure on you unless:you're growing commercially, blatantly, or are on the sheriff's personal shitlist! like I said before...burden of proof- how much will it cost them to enforce/convict on such a non-heinous crime as one plant. sheriffs are elected...which means they're highly vulnerable to political egg-face.


Well-Known Member
you sound like a broken record stealth T5. I understand your concerns they are valid, however a few plants wouldn't warrant a seizure of your house/land if they were found they would be pulled and move on. How could they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you planted them there? The choppers are looking for commercial growers with huge outdoor gardens not a plant here or there


Well-Known Member
they aren't gonna' use seizure on you unless:you're growing commercially, blatantly, or are on the sheriff's personal shitlist! like I said before...burden of proof- how much will it cost them to enforce/convict on such a non-heinous crime as one plant. sheriffs are elected...which means they're highly vulnerable to political egg-face.

i'm prolly just worrying to be worrying ha o_O, i did up the number of plants yesterday tho got 9 plants 3 in 1 spot under tree, 3 in one spot under tree that has fell, and 3 in one spot with a tree that has fell but still hanging on to the tree so it has leafs for cover but still lets sunlight threw good. and i was stupid when planting and had no ducttape so prolly shoeprints are where the plants are..but by thew time haverst comes i'll have ducttape and will take a rake with me next time and scratch out foot prints around the plant....damn i just typed alot alright be safe all!!!!:peace::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you sound like a broken record stealth T5. I understand your concerns they are valid, however a few plants wouldn't warrant a seizure of your house/land if they were found they would be pulled and move on. How could they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you planted them there? The choppers are looking for commercial growers with huge outdoor gardens not a plant here or there

mhm i know i know i've come to relize i'm just high and paranoid and like everyone has said 1-5 plants in one spoit i still should be fine and i got 9 scattered out a bit now alright see ya laterZ


Well-Known Member
I'd be more concerned a trespasser would find and steal my girls rather than them being spotted from the air. Good luck with your grow.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Picasso, just because a naturally appearing weed grows on one's property does not make said person in posession of the weed. One plant?? There is no way that a posession charge would ever hold up for a 100 acre property owner that was observed to have one marijuana plant on his land. Perhaps if the cops want to do a full scale investigation noting nute times, visits by the person, and eventually nab them at harvest. It might stick, but really though..... 'ya ever been busted for one plant? Anybody ever been nabbed on a 1 plant outdoor grow. Two or more in a common area could/would constitute cultivation. Even two or three would constitute a difficult case to prove for the prosecution.
Regardless, it all boils down to having the stones for it. Do it if you can deal with it; don't if you cant.


Well-Known Member
ok this is no joke about 15 years ago i was 10 or so way before i was groin i had a freind same age.. his parents haa big cut of land a good 50 or so acres no shure on acualle day the me and my buddie are on the trampoline out back and the DEA knock at the door they found plants in fly by nearly 200 of them..they arrested the father but never charged him they was never enough evidence and no proof it could have been ANYONES!!! im not gunna say the father planted them ... cause i dont know... but now knowing about plants how they grow and smell ect and seeing the property about 2 years ago they were close to house!!! he musta had an idea