Question on peat pots


Active Member
hey guys this is my first thread and also my first attemp at growing so i dont know all that much but am trying to learn. I made a mistake after i germed all my seeds i decided to put them in peat pots but when i filled them up with soil i didnt water before i put the seeds in now it has been a few days and the pots are filled halfway. My plants are only a few days old and im worried about stuffing the pots full around them. My biggest concern though is that im watering 2-3 times a day and the soil is really dry and im wondering if the peat pot itself is taking the water. so basically what i need help with is can i transplant these peat pots into a 1 gal container so soon? and would it be ok to fill the peat pots to the top and cover the whole stem to just about the leaves? Thanks in advance to everyone who helps.


You have alot of options for transplanting. Gotta realize alot of people suggest watering when the first 2 inches or so are dry and you probably only have 2 inches of soil if that. Ide either put them into a new peat pot party cup something else.


Active Member
I think you are right about the peat pot causing extra evaporation. I have been using peat pots for my actual veggies and have to water them at least once or twice a day depending on the humidity. I would totally suggest changing over to party cups or something that is non pourus, especially if you are not able to be close to your babies all the time.


Active Member
thanks for the help guys im gunna switch them over tonight thats what i thought i should do but just didnt want to stress them out more than i had to. So i should put them into small cups still? not just put the whole peat pot into say like a 1 gal. containers?


Active Member
i have another question. i just went to check on my lil ladies (lets hope so) and one of them has what looks to be burnt crusty like leaf tips im not sure if this has anything to do with them getting so darn dry before i water because like i said im watering 2 times a day at minimum and when i get to them the soil is crunchy and super dry so im hoping that when i swith them to different pots the one plant will get better. just wanted to know what anybody else thought about this? thanks


Active Member
Yeah, it's not long after the soil starts to dry out that your ladies will begin telling you they need water. Waiting much longer than that (especially when young seedlings and transplants) could stunt or damage your plants, and in the worst case of course they could die. I've run into both over and under watering seedlings and transplants and am slowly but surely learling how delicate some of these plants can be early on. Try and transplant the ladies you currently have A.S.A.P. so that you can cut down on the stress they are going thru with the post they are in now. Putting them into the one gallon growbag/pot would be a pretty good idea. How big are your ladies currently? It could possibly be too early to transplant them to a larger container if you are having soil drainage problems. If you do transplant, just make sure to watch the edge of your pot and the first inch or two of soil. When the soil seperates a bit from the side of your container its a good sign that its time to water. Dig your finger in about an inch down into the soil for reassurance to see if there is moisture near the root system. Watching the leaves on your ladies is a good indicator of when to water also. After a while it will be like second nature, along with many other skills you'll aquire in your quest for green thumbz.
Pics would be nice in identifying what other possible causes there might be for your yellow crusty leaf tips.


Active Member
Yeah, it's not long after the soil starts to dry out that your ladies will begin telling you they need water. Waiting much longer than that (especially when young seedlings and transplants) could stunt or damage your plants, and in the worst case of course they could die. I've run into both over and under watering seedlings and transplants and am slowly but surely learling how delicate some of these plants can be early on. Try and transplant the ladies you currently have A.S.A.P. so that you can cut down on the stress they are going thru with the post they are in now. Putting them into the one gallon growbag/pot would be a pretty good idea. How big are your ladies currently? It could possibly be too early to transplant them to a larger container if you are having soil drainage problems. If you do transplant, just make sure to watch the edge of your pot and the first inch or two of soil. When the soil seperates a bit from the side of your container its a good sign that its time to water. Dig your finger in about an inch down into the soil for reassurance to see if there is moisture near the root system. Watching the leaves on your ladies is a good indicator of when to water also. After a while it will be like second nature, along with many other skills you'll aquire in your quest for green thumbz.
Pics would be nice in identifying what other possible causes there might be for your yellow crusty leaf tips.
first off thanks alot for your time in answering my questions. i will be transplanting tmrw for sure. I just wanted to hear it from someone else i guess before i just did it myself. my babies are about an inch tall now, actually there about an inch out of soil now but i filled up the peat pots yesterday and covered about a half inch while filling them, and i think i have pretty good drainage maybe too good not quite sure. But when i seem to over water the water just gushes out the bottom of the peat pot.I will post pics in about an hour or so. thanks again


Active Member
hey guys here are some pics of my grow box and my sick plant with the yellow burnt leaves. all comments and constructive criticism are appreciated. also i have another plant that i noticed had droopy leaves and i needed to water because the pots where dry so i checked back a few hours later thinking it just needed to be watered but its still looking the same. My camera died before i could get a pic of this plant but i will try to get some more pics of this one up tonight as well. Thanks



Active Member
any new updates? how are things coming along?
Yes things are looking much better now. I transplanted into 1 gallon pots using a mix of perlite and fox farms ocean forest soil and after only one day the plants seem to be loving the new mixture. Although 1 plant (not the one that had burnt tips) seems to be a bit behind but im not too concerned. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Excellent to hear about transplants, I can confirm that peat pots dry out soil very quickly. I lost about 15 babies to that crap, done germing a ton of times, wasn't expecting it, BOOM!