Question on Reveg turned bad i think?


First of all id like to say thank you to all the people who have been helping me on here along the way, I have had nothing but good success from advice I have been given and that I have taken on this site (thanks the lord). Here is my new quandary, I had no success in cloning a plant (ill work on that later) that I wanted to prior to it going into the final stages, and as it turns out the strain is unbelievable. Thought the cloning failure would be no big deal since the person I got them originally from seemed to be pretty involved and had quite a lot of clones when I purchased them so I imagined I could just get more clones from her when I was ready (WRONG), she shut her deal down. So thinking I wanted to keep the strain alive I figured I would re-veg a few of them based on things I have read in different discussions about it that this would probably be my best option. So going that way I started turning the lights back 1 hour every 2 days and now that I am almost to 18-6 I notice seed pods and not just a few. So, now I guess they all have decided to hermie on me, I have had some issues that could have stressed them out which it is something I'm sure was unavoidable with the issues the plants have dealt with, on and off with bugs, flush for 3 weeks, light leak, chopping 3/4 of plant down LOL originally I thought it was this new growth that was going be popping up but noticed the buds I had left for new growth to come from getting harder and harder and now they have these seed pods in them. So here is my question, Did I just F*** everything up? or did I just score cause these seeds are my heaven sent in regards to keeping this strain alive or are the seeds worthless and I just need to make hash out of this seeded weed? There are no Male plants in the room they all flowered for 10 weeks and it is sealed so I know they weren't pollinated, I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not that's why I'm asking? Any input is appreciated in regards to this... Thank you


Well-Known Member
picd would be nice.
without pics tho id say dont sweat it just keep revegging and when they are full in veg it wont be an issue, seeds will be prone to intersex traits so i wouldnt suggest you use those but your clones should still reveg just fine.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are re-vegging at all, that's a good sign. I've re-vegged my plants for a second harvest several times now. I haven't gone beyond one re-veg per plant, however. I think that might be too much stress on the plant to re-veg it more than once.

In my limited experience, revegging is about 80% successful. Some just didn't come back, but that's probably because I was too aggressive during harvest.

In your case, are you talking about actual seed pods, or pollen sacks? If you've got actual seeds, then I'd say grow them out to see what happens. The worst case is you'd end up with hermies. Those that show balls can be culled, though it is disappointing to have a nice looking female develop pollen sacks.

That's my take on your situation. More experienced growers might have better advice.

I had a hermied thc bomb I grew out far enough to get some schwag for hash. I just nipped it's balls off before they popped...most of them anyway. Unfortunately, a few of the sacks burst, and sent pollen into the air. Oddly enough, I've only gotten a dozen or so seeds from the unintentional pollination. I am going to grow them out at some point. Two good strains, thc bomb (hermie) and purple dream female.


Well-Known Member
1 intersex plant can ruin an entire sensi crop just keep that in mind if you do decide to grow them


This plant is a purple plant and all the brown you see is actually buds I left because after all my research, and now from what I have witnessed first hand is that the new growth forms from out of the buds. If you can look closely that is where the new growth forms. If I remove those buds it takes away from new growth that will sprout up.... I'm gonna take a few clones from her, creating a few new moms and once ive accomplished that she is going outside to finish as I have no room.

Royal Blue

Active Member
No need to remove buds they wont rot they will dry out and turn too stem soon they will
be no longer buds just calyxes on a stem.

What you could have done though was take a clone from the mother and reveg it so you
wouldn't loose any weight but that would take longer if you needed to pull a sufficient amount
of clones from her.

Looks exactly like the purple I just revegged because it smelled like fruity pebbles.:weed: