Question on the Lucas Formula and using Add backs


Active Member
Yes and no i guess. I will get some close up pics tonight and post them for you to see. Nothing "yellowed" Tips or anything. But its like in different spots on the leaf, i guess it could say its almost dead looking.. And around those effected areas the part of the leaf thats still green looks kind of brittle and not lush dark green. I guess hard to type and explain. Ill get some close ups and show ya. Might be a little later tonight tho.


Active Member
Yooooooo :)

Here's a couple pics from this mornin :) I'm having my boy resend me the bad leaf pics ill have those on here shortly.


That lil one was one i was gonna just toss cuz it was stunted but ehh.. fuck it lol im just gonna let it go :)

The clones I just cut on Sunday evening. They basically look the same as about 30 minutes after I had put them in there. I got them in RW, dipped in clonex. That machine, i built, it has multiple sprayers in there, set to go off for 5 mins 4 times a day. I just want the RW moist. Still ive been hoping each day that when i see them they are standing up better :( BUT they arent totally fallen over dead so they must be doing their thing, im hoping :)

I'll get the leaf pics on here for ya asap. But i think its only on the older leaves. OH YA, and we dumped a couple gallons of the nute solution out of each and replaced with RO, now they are all at like 325ppm :)