Question on trimming


Ok first off, I am very new to all the terms and slang of growers and so if someone knows what im talking about it.. please do explain to me what my problem is and/if you can, a possible problem resolver. Also I have like 3 pics, of my plant.. that just so yall know. I honestly just randomly found growing in my the middle of my backyard (must have been a brushed off seed or something), but what I have done was so far is moved it out of the ground and into a pot.. but my question is.. 1. how do I trim the top new spourting leaves that are just like single leaves growing in opposite directions as of right now. like what should I do with them? leave them or do some special cutting technique that might up the plant grow either faster or better.. or maybe help it sprout new buds etc...

the second thing i would like to ask yall, is if there is a leave that is somewhat healthy looking, though it seems as though a bug or something has eaten away a leaf. (and ill show a pic for these) not like an entire leaf, just a single leaf 'thread' i guess. BUT it does look some what healthy.. should I leave it on the plant? or just cut it off cause it might be harming it due to its missing parts. and on the same note. theres a second leaf growing, just as the one i just mention though it even looks greener and healthier. yet it has the same problem and looks as though an uncomplete pot leaf?

if anyone could answer this it would very much help me out [: also outdoor growing tips would be nice for me as well :p lol but thanks in advance and for all those who decide to read this, yet not leave me a comment. lol :p

i am new to this community and would like to become a part of its family [: i wont cause no trouble. :-P

03-03-11_1724.jpgthis is the healthier leaf i was talking about on the bottom left, not the other on the right. that one seems to be doing fine. (this is looking down on the plant. also sorry for my crappy razor cell phone quality)

03-03-11_1723.jpgthis is looking directly at the less healthier leaf head on. (again sorry for the bad quality)

03-03-11_1722.jpgsame leaf as above just a better view.

any suggestions? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about trimming or about the eaten leaves. I would check to make sure there are no bugs on the stem or leaves. Did you replant in commercial potting soil or did you use soil from the ground? Did you get all of the roots? Was there a decent rootball? When did you replant?


Well-Known Member
they to small to start clipping imo ...only clip stuff for training purposes.

i hail from the land of thinking of every leaf as vital for a healthy plant.
i panic whenever i have to clip just trying to
let the plant keep whatever leaves it has for the moment would be my vote.
Don't clip the damaged ones either...the plant is still using it.

Oh! and keep an eye out for hatching bugs


ok well, as far as if i got all the roots. i cant be 100% sure but i made a big enough circumference around the entire plant while it was in the ground to try to avoid cutting or damaging any of its roots. and for soil. i just used some of dirt from my yard. i figured if it got that big on its own without any help using my yard it would be fine with some more of the same stuff? and thinking back to when i did this. I cant say forsure. but i would say atleast a week if not less, but no more than 2 weeks.

like i said man, i was just chillin in my backyard playin with my dogs, when i saw these beatiful looking plant. thinking to myself. 'noooooooo it cant be' and when i looked at it even closer it was about a 4-6in plant growing from the ground. it did originally have some dying bottom leaves and not so good looking top ones. so i wanted to take it into my own care. and put it in a pot started watering it. and let it do its magic. i just today trimmed those bad leaves off, but i do notice the top leaves look very green and healthier than they did. so im hoping and taking thats a good sign. the stem was very yellow. but i see some green comming back to it.


Well-Known Member
that's good news. If you took it in a big circle around the roots, you probably did a good job of keeping them in tact. The only thing I would do if I were you is start figuring out what kind of nutrients you're going to use. I grew mine in commercial soil so it had nutrients for a few months in the soil but your yard probably doesn't have much compared. They say it takes a plant about 2 weeks to fully recover from a transplant. You may notice slower growth during this time. I wouldn't remove any more leaves or trim. Your plant uses the lower leaves for nutrients when it flowers. If you're lucky and it is female that is, a male will just grow balls ;) goodluck.


they to small to start clipping imo ...only clip stuff for training purposes.

i hail from the land of thinking of every leaf as vital for a healthy plant.
i panic whenever i have to clip just trying to
let the plant keep whatever leaves it has for the moment would be my vote.
Don't clip the damaged ones either...the plant is still using it.

Oh! and keep an eye out for hatching bugs
what would hatching bugs look like? and what would i do with them/how do i get rid of them. im kinda on a certain budget and cant afford things super expensive lol not to be a cheap ass. also when should i start clipping? judging from the pics. how many more weeks would you estim. to give me?


that's good news. If you took it in a big circle around the roots, you probably did a good job of keeping them in tact. The only thing I would do if I were you is start figuring out what kind of nutrients you're going to use. I grew mine in commercial soil so it had nutrients for a few months in the soil but your yard probably doesn't have much compared. They say it takes a plant about 2 weeks to fully recover from a transplant. You may notice slower growth during this time. I wouldn't remove any more leaves or trim. Your plant uses the lower leaves for nutrients when it flowers. If you're lucky and it is female that is, a male will just grow balls ;) goodluck.
and the males produce seeds? also, not to be putting my self in a bad mood for the future, but are you saying. as my plant progresses due to the soil it will start to lack nutrients for better and healthier growth?


Well-Known Member
i mean sometimes one application of whatever insecticide you use may kill bugs but not necessarily the eggs.
many insects have a burrowing larval stage so eggs are deep in the dirt.

if you notice tiny things marching around just keep an eye on them...most the time they are useful, but sometimes they are breeds that will suck your plant dry
if where they gather starts showing signs of distress, they gotta go.


Well-Known Member
judging from the pics. how many more weeks would you estim. to give me?
the time frame of when the plant finishes, is in ur hands. U have the power to manually change light cycles, if u choose to grow the plant inside..if ur just repotting it and leaving it outside....u will have roughly 8 to 12 weeks(depending on strain)after the natural light cycle turns to 12/12...hope this helps ya..stay burnin'...ganja


alright guys, thanks for the help [:. ill keep yall posted on how my plants doin overtime, and ill do my best to keep this baby alive ;D and j/w do males give/produce any sorta of smoke-able buds?