Question - Plant Physiology


Active Member
I've probably learned more about growing from others problems than I could ever hope to learn on my own. That's why I don't get tired of the "Help, my leaves are yellow" posts and praise the patience and experience of those who answer them.

But I've been wondering (and this question pertains to soil grows only): Do the yellow leaves still benefit the plant? And here's some of my logic. If the problem is a nutrient burn then maybe the leaves should be left on acting as kind of a sink. Taking them off would only concentrate more to the viable leaves.
Or if it's a deficiency the leaves should come off making more of whatever is missing available to the rest of the plant.
Or is it possible the leaves should always stay on as an indicator of your remedy. I've plucked plenty but I'm never certain if they could have recovered. Or is yellow the point of no return; no advantage, no benefit. Appreciate ya'lls opinions. Thanks


Active Member
I'm having a problem with one of my plants, and have just snipped off the yellow leaves. Yellow leaves on any type of plant never recover...I grow many different house plants and know that from experience. Good luck to both of us!


Well-Known Member
if more than half the leaf is dead snip it or trim the end off. they dont come back if thier dead but if its nitrogen def it will green up again so it depends on the issue.


Well-Known Member
Are you wondering if the plant chooses certain leaves as a chemical dump in order to spare the rest of the growth? I've wondered that, too. Any botany majors?


Well-Known Member
u can still use yellow leafs thats why they still have color in them and aint shrivled up they still have vitamins in them and the plant is using them all up it happens alot during the flowering period when the plant is using most of its N to put into the buds juss let the leafs fall off on there own the plant knows how to take care most of its self


Active Member
That's part of it , Barrelhse. I don't think it chooses certain leaves although the ones furthest upstream (read lowest) seem to be affected first. But in the case of overzealous feeding, do the yellowing leaves, by absorbing some of the overdose, actually help. And therefore should stay until they've totally drooped.


Well-Known Member
dont overdose cuz it could give ur plants nute burn juss keep doin what u do its a normal thing for the plant but some pics would be nice ot of ur plant if that is wat ur talkin bout but i dont think the yellow leafs would absorb any since the plant is already absorbing all the nutrienst from that leafs i think the nutrienst would go more to the upper leafs but thats juss IMO