Question re: sativa & indica white widow. I planted w.w. seeds so I think however


New Member
Its not looking at all what I expected, Had a lone male that crossed with some diesel ryder turned it purple and dam near stopped its growth dead in its tracks; I think I have been had , so be it how do make sure it wont happen again ?? grown outside


Active Member
that is a bit confusing so you planted ww and its not looking how you expected and a male bred with your diesel ryder ?


New Member
The ww has failed to produce any of what it is supposed to show- red hairs crystals it looks like a dense mass of purple, haven't tried it yet still waiting,hoping, praying, etc. the cross was a error on my part but the results were spooky. I have named it scary shit- untried as of yet- I'm positive this is not ww need a honest 'har har' seed dealer. I grow outside and have for years this is my "foist" time with ww and I had high hopes.


Well-Known Member
autoflower plant is a plant that will automatically flower after like 30 days and be done at 60-70, As far as i know i think you can refrigerate seeds but idk about freezing them.