Question regarding germinating in a glass of water


Active Member
Hey guys, new guys here. Been researching, reading content, watching videos, and lurking these forums for a couple of months now. Finally starting my first grow and I have a question about germinating in water. I have read that for this method, the seed should pop in approximately 16-24 hours. I have also seen warning regarding leaving it in the water for too long and how it could drown the seed/root if it remains in the water for an excessive length of time after popping. My seed has been in the water for about 26 hours now. It popped about 5 hours ago, so 21 hours after the process began. However, only the radicle is visible through the small crack in the side of the seed.

I would like to ask, since it has been in the water for much longer than I have seen recommended, should I leave it until it is finished, or should I remove it early, maybe switch it to a wet paper towel, or just drop it into soil? Is there risk of drowning it with just the radicle exposed for so long? Thanks in advance for the help guys.
My advice is take it out of the water. Many people just wait for the seed to crack open and then just use their method of choice to keep going. You could just plant it in moist not wet soil. THERE IS risk of drowning. You can also use the paper towel method even though is recommended and not recommended by many.


Active Member
So essentially, this method should not be used to germinate the seed, but rather to speed up germination? I have gone ahead and removed it from the water and put it into a damp paper towel, leaving a tiny gap in the fold to allow air in.

Thank you for such a quick response!
So essentially, this method should not be used to germinate the seed, but rather to speed up germination? I have gone ahead and removed it from the water and put it into a damp paper towel, leaving a tiny gap in the fold to allow air in.

Thank you for such a quick response!
Rather, take the paper towel, fold it in half, moisten it with water as much as you can as long as she is not dripping at all. put the seed in inside the folded paper. put the whole thing in a ziploc bag, leaver some air inside the bag and close it. put her in a warmish dark place. WARMISH. Cheers :weed: