Question Regarding Potting


Active Member
Well since newbie central sucks a fatty and I'm in a rush lets see if someone can help me. I'm starting up a grow again after a few years, anyways I was wondering if a 6.5 gallon bucket would be suffice enough for an outdoor plant for its whole life? I plan on starting the seedling right in the bucket and keep her there until chop. Starting with Dinafem Blue Hash and Diesel. These seeds are also 2-3 years old so they should still work....right? All help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
people grow in beer cans, so a 6.5 gallon pot is fine. Though you would likely get a better yield if you started the seed in a 16oz cup and transplanted a couple times first (better root development).


Well-Known Member
If you plan on letting a plant reach its full potential outdoors than I would think 6.5 would be small for an outdoors plant. You can buy the 1.5 or 3.0 cu ft Roots Organics Formula 707 potting soil bags and literally use the bag itself as the pot with a few holes poked in the bottom. You will notice the design on the bag of soil is a camo pattern for that very reason :) . That way you won't be limiting the potential further down the road.

Unless its an Autoflowering strain, then id think 6.5 would be fine.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors, I wouldn't suggest anything that small, the plant will quickly get rootbound and stunted. I'd suggest a minimum of 10 gallons, although I've had plants get rootbound and spindly towards the last few months of their lives. I'd go 20 gallon for sure


Well-Known Member
Yes, for outdoors bigger container the better.
Starting smaller and working your way up to
bigger with transplants like the others say.