Question regarding Sexing, Cloning, and Flowering


So I read that you're not supposed to clone once the plant has begun flowering. However, you don't want to clone males, yet you cannot tell a plant's sex until it flowers. So my question is this: How do I know which plants to clone and do you need to shock the plant out of flowering or something?


Well-Known Member
You can clone plants that have begun flowering, i have done it many times. It takes a extra week or so, but it works just fine. the best way to do it is to let the plant show preflowers and then just clone the females.


Well-Known Member
optimaly you have more than one plant vegging and take a clone off each to see which ones are female then you can either finish those out and take more clones from the known females and add them to them and have the first clones ready a little before the second


Well-Known Member
and believe it or not you can clone a male and the clone can be female, just as you can take sevral clones from a female and one of them may hermie on you, it depends on stressors present,.... every seed has the potential to be male or female, it is not a matter of genetic predisposition


yea it can be done just it takes lil longer because the plant has to go back to full veg stage.