Question! + Rep


Active Member
Should I be bringing my plants outside during the day to get the sunlight, then bringing them back inside under artificial lighting for the rest of the 18 hour cycle? Im kind of confused about this. Some people say just leave them outside, but we dont get 18 hours of light a day yet. We get almost 15 hours of light, and not all of it is direct sunlight. Only about 6-7 hours is direct sunlight. What should I be doing?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Yup. Take em outside when its bright and sunny, and bring em in when the sun goes down. :)

I think its a great idea.. Nothing better than the sun :)


New Member
The sun is the biggest, brightest and most rich light source on the planet and it's free. Take advantage of it, I wish i could.


Active Member
Yeah but Im wanting these to be outdoor plants. I dont like having it in my house, you know what I mean? Plus moving those plants from inside to outside everyday is a real pain. If I put them outside for good, I dont know if they would flower. Is it different for outdoor plants? Do they need a full 18 hours of direct light to stay vegging?


New Member
Flowering is triggered by the days getting shorter. We do this indoors by switching our light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12. So your plants will flower, once the season starts to change and the daylight hours decrease significantly.


Well-Known Member
Flowering is triggered by the days getting shorter. We do this indoors by switching our light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12. So your plants will flower, once the season starts to change and the daylight hours decrease significantly.
THIS you should listen to.

I have a buddie that started vegging his plants on 15/9 just because they were growing to fast and would be way to big by the time his girls in flower finished. So he needed a way to keep them from growing so big so fast, THUS, reduce the amount of light. Just don't reduce it to 12/12. lol

T macc

Well-Known Member
As long as your days are longer than 13 hours you should be good outdoors. And you only really need about 5 hours of direct light for good growth. But the more the the better. My plants start flowering when the hours hit 13 daylight in August


Well-Known Member
Your plants wont start flowering right now if you just leave them outside. However, I usually bring them in when it gets dark and place them under lights inside just so they grow faster. It really helps outdoor plants grow especially if you dont have that much direct sunlight. Hope I helped.


Active Member
Okay it says I have 13 hours 13 minutes of sunlight as of today. So Im good to get them out of my house now?


Well-Known Member
Yes, with 13 hours of light you should be tits. And you're welcome!
if theyve been under 18/6 they may begin to flower and then theyll go into reveg loosing valuable veg time and i wood not put them out yet till bout 10-15 may if in a southerly latitude .


New Member
if theyve been under 18/6 they may begin to flower and then theyll go into reveg loosing valuable veg time and i wood not put them out yet till bout 10-15 may if in a southerly latitude .
True that. If they're adjusted to the outdoor schedule that's all good. But if you decrease the lights on hours, it could trigger flowering.


New Member
Yup. They won't be as strong as another plant grown entirely outside. You'll want to keep close watch for problems/pests for a while.