Question to the USA


Well-Known Member
How much do you guys pay on average for an ounce bud?
I live in England an ounce cost between 110 - 130 pounds here which must be around 220 - 260 in dollars i guess...but i get a feeling its a whole lot cheaper there


Well-Known Member
Here in the leech sucking state of New York.

Schwagg goes for about $150 oz.
Mids go for about $200 oz.
High's go for about $250-300 oz.
Exotic's go for about $350-$400 oz.


Well-Known Member
I am about to get an oz of "super schwag" for $80, then again I am 10 hours from the Mexican border.


Well-Known Member
Wish we had a choice here, i know a fair few dealers in different locations and we never get to choose, you get what you get lol thats why ive started growning, not had the kind of bud i like for atleast a year.
What would happen if the police come up on you while you were smoking a joint in a park or some other public place? TV here makes your cannabis laws seem extremely strict. It give you the impression that they treat cannabis use the same as heroin use or crack


Well-Known Member
What would happen if the police come up on you while you were smoking a joint in a park or some other public place?
I'd probably get arrested.
I used to dumb shit like that when I was a kid, but I've been smoking for over 20 years. You learn a thing a two when you've been smoking as long as I have.
It doesn't bother me that I can't smoke in public. I enjoy smoking in my own home.


Active Member
good answer bong juice yeah america is fuckin stupid when it comes to mary jane laws. so many people get arrested. but yeah i love smoking in my own home and i transport glass to my friends house sometimes.... anyway an oz of schwag in CO is about 60 dollars and the chron is 350-400 an oz. there is no mids its either schwag or chron where i live although some people try and tax certain strains of chron. i feel sorry for schwag buyers in new york though


Well-Known Member
hows the lungs after that long? i bin smoking since 2000. I also used to do silly stuff like smoking in public but that was when i lived with parents now i smoke in my own place. I was cought 3 times by police in a space of less than 2 years and i never once got arrested. Twice i had 8ths on me and once just a tiny bit, everytime they caution you, spend 20 mins filling in paper work and take your bud off you. They cant take any drug related items off you just the bud. As for at home, they cant do anything about it unless they have evidence of you dealing or growing


Well-Known Member
I must say in all my smoking life ive not heard of schwag, i guess thats the lowest of the low like the old hippy grass or is it draw/hash?


Well-Known Member
hows the lungs after that long?
Good question....You could probably scrape the resin off my lungs. :-P

I don't smoke as much as I used to.
I think it's mostly because I only buy the best weed around.
Plus, I grow my own Dutch Passion Blueberry and Oasis.
Smoking the best weed get's me high quicker and it lasts longer.
I only smoke about 2-3 grams a week.


Well-Known Member
i pay between 800 and 1000 lb of good green mids thats all i sually can grab is lbs... but i see a 0z go for 100 to 150 ,0z kb 200 0,z purple haze 450 usa funds


Well-Known Member
Damn i need to cut down, when the weed is average like it is now here i smoke 2-3g a day and its been like that for the last 2 years since i got my own place, i sometimes wonder how i afford it lol. Im the same tho, if its really gud stuff it last me much longer and i dont smoke as much but that stuff seems to be getting rare around here


Well-Known Member
I must say in all my smoking life ive not heard of schwag, i guess thats the lowest of the low like the old hippy grass or is it draw/hash?
i bet its not as bad as rocky soap bar. yuk

same reason im growin m8. loads of crap weed round here. if those cocks can make 140 an ounce then i can make 170 with good shit.

.....gotta pay the bills eh


Well-Known Member
haha its been long time since i smoked that, i dont even know anyone who sells it anymore. Im growing cos im sick of buying tiny amounts of weed for large amount of money. I'd gladly pay more for better stuff but recently i seem to be paying more for less. UK should be the next amsterdam but it aint going to be lol


Active Member
you will love growing your own i started for the same reason fed up paying £25 for an 8th of sprayed shit that hasnt been finished iam growing ak47 and ww and i love it


New Member
Here in the leech sucking state of New York.

Schwagg goes for about $150 oz.
Mids go for about $200 oz.
High's go for about $250-300 oz.
Exotic's go for about $350-$400 oz.

whoa dude,,,those are some outrageous south fla mids are only 100 an ounce,,and i dunno about schwagg cause i never see it,,but damn 150........