

Active Member
My girls have been flowering for 8 weeks now. i know they are still not done. i am A anxious this is my first grow and i don't want to screw it up in the end buy cutting to early or too late.

i have read that you know that it is ready to cut when :

i) When the Trichome are cloudy or amber

ii) when the pistils turn change colour

iii) when the pistil return into the calyx

here are my questions.

1) my pistils changed color a long time ago and i know they weren't ready to harvest because the trichomes hadn't even showed up yet so. is the pistils changing color just bad advice or did i do something wrong?

2) when the bud is done how far into the calyx will the pistil go? completely or just a little? will it be noticeable by the naked eye or will i need to use a magnification?

3) i can't really tell if the tricomes are cloudy yet does anybody have any advice about this?

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry i know i can be a little annal with my questions


Well-Known Member
about the trichomes

Most trich's will develop into crystal clear mushroom shapes.
Then they turn to a milky cloudy looking mushroom.
then they will bend over slightly
The next thing is the mushroom cap on them will turn amber.

You usually have to use a Jewellers loop of pocket microscope in order to see the trich's.

I check by doing all of the things you mentioned. Pistels will change colour prematurely if you have touched them.
the pistels will receed back into the calyx's not fully but enough to see that they have receeded.

The over all look of the buds will be swollen and almost a different colour all together.

With what you have written above it sounds like you know what you are looking for. Dont worry so much you have a 2week window for peak harvest so you can be doubley certain before you cut.

Hope this helps



Active Member
thanks a lot Jondamon that helps a lot. you really put my mind at ease. i ogt one more question where can i get a jewelers loop of pocket microscope? and is it expensive