
Im all new at the growing end of pot
so heres my question do you need to germinate your seeds if planting in soil?
Sorry if its really stupid, just need answered


Well-Known Member
no u dont have to just put in moist soil and do not let it dry out. some ppl use a paper towel/soakem its kindo of like clonin if u ask 1000 different growers u will get a 1000 different answers what works great for some is death to others i just stickem in rapidrootes or rw and either into my aerogarden or bubblebucket and have sprouts any where from 48 hrs on. but i grow hydro. i feel its best to start ur seeds in the medium u plan on using. it gives u less of a chance of damaging the fragile taproot while moving it from a paper towel.


Active Member
id germinate, takes care of wastin time on a dud seed. is the cfl 100 watt equivalent or 100 watt rated?


Active Member
it gives u less of a chance of damaging the fragile taproot while moving it from a paper towel.
i use a sterile set of tweezers to pick my germinated seeds from towel/sponge whatever you use to the growing medium to prevent hurting the taproot


Well-Known Member
Thats only a 23 no. You need more than that. you have to get a 100 watter online


Active Member
this should help ya. not sure on your grow room size
"Marijuana grow rooms should receive 1000-3000 lumens per square foot. Successful gardens usually are lit at around 2,000 lumens per square foot. During the vegetative stage, plants stretch out when they receive low levels of light"
see i havent gotten that far into it yet im still lookin at my potions on grow rooms an wut not
but that does help for sure


Active Member
should be fine for 2 plants and shouldnt get hot with cfls....if it gets to hot stick a fan in there, id throw one in anyways to strengthen those stems far as lighting i think you could pull off a 2 plant grow with a single 200 watt CFL, probably run ya like 40 bucks -50 bucks, would set ya around 10k lumens. not positive but the height of the room shouldnt matter since you will be keepin the CFL's super close
alright dude your awesome help cuz ill prolly end up going with the 23watts
i might end up throwin a fan in
what sort of ventilation should i go with if i dont put a fan in?


Active Member
im not the one you'd wanna ask about ventilation, i just use a fan *im growin in my basment* and crack the window for a few hours a day to let fresh air in, but my fan stays on 24/7 to regulate my temps since i use a HID light, keepin it cool enough when its on and a decent 10-15 degree drop when its off. check the forums, i know there are ton of ventilation threads out there. good luck bro let me know how your grow goes