Questioning how to treat Fungal gnat?

Starting to see some gnats coming out my soil already watered them with some go gnats I'm growing in roots organic soil rumor has it that the soil already comes with spores and who knows what the go gnats seem to do the job for now although one of my grow buddies mention to me that cultivating sand in the top inch or two of my soil would help me out because when the larva try to wiggle them self up the minerals In The sand would cut them up I don't see any post on that technique so just wondering if anyone knows wats up with that and if mixing sand in my soil would effect my ph in anyway?


Well-Known Member
sand is silica, it may cause the ph to rise. diatomaceous earth is what you want a top layer of. its got microscopic razor sharp edges and cuts the bastards trying to get in and out. some will recommend BT(bacteria in mosquito dunks) , the go gnats you used, that's cedar oil I think, that should do the trick. I personally use azamax if I see one gnat flying around, I use it as a preventative too but it doesn't seem to work at all for mites.


sand is silica, it may cause the ph to rise. diatomaceous earth is what you want a top layer of. its got microscopic razor sharp edges and cuts the bastards trying to get in and out. some will recommend BT(bacteria in mosquito dunks) , the go gnats you used, that's cedar oil I think, that should do the trick. I personally use azamax if I see one gnat flying around, I use it as a preventative too but it doesn't seem to work at all for mites.
what does gnat do to your plants? i see them sometimes coming out of the drain hole and flying around.


Well-Known Member
The sand tends to dissipate down into the soil when watering though. I use the hanging fly strips and it catches lots of them. The only problem is they catch me too even though I try to avoid it, it still ends up stuck on my arm or worse yet stuck in my hair or worse yet, stuck in my wifes big mop of hair...Hehe. I'm using the Roots 707 along with GO organic nutes so I battle them little bitches all the time. Its funny, they seem to like it better in my veg tent as opposed to my flower tent. I would think they would be drawn more to the sweet Jackberry smell I have emitting from the flower tent, but not the case. I have very little in there and most of them in the vegging tent. I dont know why that is.

I've heard about cinnamon before, I think I'll try it.