

Active Member
How many g's will 1 plant flower?
You need to do some research. There is no definite yield amount for any plant because of the differences in growing styles. Most Seed sites have a general yield calculation based upon SOG grows. That is going to be the closest thing to an answer for you.

Also individual strains, yield completely different amounts. It even varies from plant to plant depending upon how well it was taken care of and how big it is.

You should do some reading in the grow faq:

Many growers spend a long time studying about growing before starting, it is def important.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yes research is the key. when i first started growing i failed every time, miserably. went back to the drawing board and did my homework. for sure pays off.. the internet is a very powerful resource. also just go for it, trial and error. you gotta get experience some how