questions about beneficial bacteria

hey guys, i've been doing organic for about 3 runs now. i use mostly General Organics, and a few Earth Juice products (catalyst, microblast, and their soil). I was wondering what ingredients i can look for that kill the microbiology i breed in my teas (so i can avoid them). just want to make sure i'm doin everything right =)

thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
Hard to say. Chem ferts or "organic" ferts would both play havoc with the microlife. You might want to avoid all that and look at a competent organic soil. Then relax and pocket the $ savings.


Well-Known Member
Don't use city water with chlorine and chloromines.... avoid any salt based ferts... don't over water.... add carbo's to the soil such as molasses. Also make sure you have good aeration in your bubbling brew and you should have great results... Also don't use any PH adjusters...learn to trust your soil.. :) Also you may want to look into some different brand's of Myco's... I use Humboldt Myco's Maximum and so far my plants are healthy and green, and I have yet to check ppm or PH... :)