questions about MOLASSES

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
just bought a jar aof it ive heard to use 2 tbl spoons to the water is this correct i want my buds to swell a bit


Well-Known Member
I tried it with no visible results, although it was a miserable little grow to begin with. I've read 1-2 Tbs per gallon, every other feeding. Also read that if you have an airstone and pump it helps to bubble it overnight. Good luck, update!


Well-Known Member
This must be some myth that is being spread. It is one of those things with some truth but mostly rumor. Mollasses is a good agent to increase bioactivity in your compost pile or soil. It works if you are using organic gardening methods by increasing beneficial microbes in the soil that break down organic matter into nutrients that are usable by your plant. So no mollasses does not make your buds swell but it is good to use for organic methods on occasion. Using mollases often could attract pests to your garden and is just unecessary.


Well-Known Member
I've seen that mollasses provides needed carbs that help the plant's bud's get denser, it also gives the bud a sweetness, I think they love mollasses, a great addition during flowering. NOT a MYTH!


Well-Known Member
If thats what you want to believe a few years ago people were adding sugar and birth control pills to their plants. None of this is backed by science except what I said earlier an ounce of truth in a pound of lies just like the DEA.


Well-Known Member
ive seen a sleight increase since ive started using it
Like I said if you are using organic techniques its possible if not your increase is most likely due to you being a more experienced grower and taking better care of your plants OR its luck or genetics.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
yea its in just my soil plants but im still kinda just testin it out i use it like once every three waterings to try to keep the soil clean


Well-Known Member
under CFLs, one female w/o mollasses one without. The girl with stands more erect buds are noticably fuller stickier and denser. It is clearly absorbed into the plant with beneficial results. I've seen it more times than I can remember, a couple tsp is not that much when dissolved in a gallon of h20. Personally I LOVE It, but of course try it for yourself. Its not like smoking mollasses or anything the smoke I would say is quite smoother than w/o mollasses. Trial and Error, thats how you get the product that YOU want. $0.02


Well-Known Member
This is lame man supposed to be helping each other grow better weed and making sure we sort the facts out from the rumors. Please don't spread rumors without doing actual research either way there is always so new rumor spread around the cannabis growing community every month.


Well-Known Member
How can you really judge a slight increase? Plants are constantly growing. Unless they obviously double in growth after feeding them this then I'd agree. But you can't compare slight increases unless you have 2 of the same completely identical plants grown exactly the same with the same amount of light penetration and measurements of everything.


Active Member
Well don't know all the effects molasses has on maryjane but I can tell you that it is an awesome source of micro nutrients for your plant. It has to be the right kind of molasses though; black strap molasses. Other more refined molasses don't have as much nutrients. So if you have the right kind, absolutely use it!



Well-Known Member
you can test both if there clones from the same mother,and it does pack crystals and wieght,thats why if you put to much inn you will topple your does work.its the same thing the hydro store sales just more expensive in a hydro store.advertisment is a buetifull thing.


Well-Known Member
What did you take some botany classes at the university, a million grows? I dont really care...I've seen what it provides firsthand MANY times, not to mention dozens of times on this site, and thats only in the last week or two. The final product and the plant in full bloom with mollasses is considerably different. FULLER DENSER STICKIER. There's nothing wrong with not using it, the buds are fine without it. But I will always give it some during flowering now, THEY LOVE IT and SO DO I. I went through biology and botany, I KNOW SCIENCE. If you guys think I'm just playing into some myth or over looking something, your sadly mistaken. AND its a bit different than adding birth control or processed sugar dont you think? Unless your offering some real info or experience what you write is worth shit. All your doing is trying to pick holes because some book or professor told you something other then what you see here. LETS HEAR YOUR RESULTS WITH and WITHOUT MOLLASSES. please. and NIP you are 100% spot on my friend!!!

and NEWGROWTH I did conduct a little research with a small community of locals and myself, thats the data I'm speaking from! NOT A MYTH!!!
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Well-Known Member
I do use molasses myself. I tell myself it works because some of my buds are fat and resinous. I will continue to use it.

It has brought some little fruit fly / gnats to my area but I don't mind them sucking a bit of nectar out of the plant. They probably just get too high and die off. There are maybe 10 in there total at all times and have not multiplied so im not worried about infestation. However, I used 2 tsp per gallon every watering then went to 3 per gallon for 3 scattered waterings. Had no problems with over use. 1 jar of blackstrap on 6 total plants. I'm going to feed with the 10-30-10 for another week then flush for 2 or 3 and cut.

I just don't agree with the whole i can tell it made a slight difference remark because I feel no 2 plants grow the same EVER. not even clones from the same mother. But then again, I think it DID and DOES make a difference on grows.

I just went on a tangent earlier post-pipe smoke.


Well-Known Member
And purplehaze is CORRECT, a lot of very expensive products at your hydro store are derived from mollasses. Still straight black mollasses is for soil only.