Questions about Mother plants


Active Member
Hi guys,

This may sound like a total newbie question (hence the Newbie Central post :P) but I am really confused about Mother plants. I thought a mother plant was just a female kept in veg and you take clones off of it.

And I guess that sorta is right but heres how I was gonna make a mother plant. Start from a bunch of seeds and pick the best female and always keep that in veg and take clones off of it but i keep reading that you find your best female and then take a clone of of it and then that clone becomes your mother plant. Gah so confused though Im sure Im partly right :P Any help is greatly appreciated! :)


Active Member
Maybe the confusion comes in that some folks are taking clippings (clones) before they know if they have females or not. They mark the plants and clones (say #1 or A.) and when they finally move their plants into flower (to determine the sex) they keep the clones from the plants that wound up female and ditch the clones (and plants they came from) that ended up being male.

You are right. A mother is a female plant you keep in veg and take clones off of. But the first step, finding a mother from seed, you can take clones before she flowers or ever re-veggs.

Was that confusing?


Active Member
Oh, I re-read your question and think I get it now.
You can either re-veg the plant to make it a mother.
Or you can turn the first generation of clones into mothers.
Or you can clone from the clones from the clones and not even keep mothers.

Personally I took clones and plan to re-veg (to star on the safe side.)


Well-Known Member
the first step, finding a mother from seed, you can take clones before she flowers or ever re-veggs.
This is the best method if you have the room, clone everything and label everything, when you harvest you pick the female clone that was most desirable for your needs. I like to make seeds and save the best male too.


Active Member
I culled my only male and regret not growing him out to save pollen or pollenating one of the lower branches on one of my girls with a paint brush. Oh well live and learn...clones will do me just fine! But you never know what life or the laws will bring and having some emergency seeds stashed seems like a very good idea.


Well-Known Member
You can flower out the seed plant and make a clone of the same your mother.

OR, you can keep the seed plant your mother and flower out the clones.

YOUR CHOICE!!!! I've done it both ways and both ways work fine.

I would not flower or 12/12 and re veg anything I was going to use as a mother. Did that before also with less than stellar results.



Well-Known Member
You are right, in both cases. The mother from seed, is your original mother plant, which will eventually need to be replaced by a clone of herself, due to her getting too large, or simply running out of The "mother" is simply your clone supplier, and whether she's the original from seed, or not, it'll still be your mother. Many guys keep their mother til she starts getting too big, then will flower her out, having replaced her with a clone of herself, continuing the process.