Questions blumat, soil, seeds, air pruning.


Active Member
So I want to do a grow that is based on automation, and easiness.

I used to do DWC, but I had to many problems, with pumps being too loud and mad neighbors, and quiet ones dying, keeping the temp cold, ect ect, anyways too much work for too little reward.

I am now thinking of airpots that have like a million holes and are long shaped. I figure like with dwc this will give me roots lots of air, and I am thinking of using a blumat spike for the automatic watering, I figure this is a much better way to grow compared to the easy ness of dwc, and this way if the power goes out I don't have to worry about a pump problem, I also don't have to worry about the nutrients coming with blumat delivering them. This way like the dwc I can rest assure that they are automatically fed air and nutrients. Except with out the pump crap problems and water temp problems and electricity increase.

Now my only question is is it true that the air pots are the best way to give air to the roots in regards to easy and and is it true that blumat is the only type of nutrient feeding that is as easy and automated as blumat is?

And lastly when I got this route, I assume porosity is something that is worth considering, so based on the blumat and airpot set up, what is a good medium? I was thinking something that is good with air flow, I have lots of perlite, and coco, and fox farms ocean forest. Should I use all three in each pot? Or only perlite for maximum air flow?

Also I have a northern light blue plant that I have been purposely trying to give hard conditions to to see if it can die because it seems like no matter how many days I ignored her, she will not wilt or die, not even wilt a little, she barely loses any color in her leaves, she seems immune to death, I was just wondering are there any other strains that people know about that are this strong and resistant to death? And even better if it is a auto flower.

So my questions, for everyone are opinions on the airpots, blue mat, and suggestions.

And lastly about seeds, especially regarding resistance to hard conditions, that auto flower.

Thank you Every one.

PS. Also it true that making newspaper pots are the best for transplanting "pot and all"? And does the ink from the paper not bad to plant?


Well-Known Member
I had problems with the blumat. The tubes are really skinny and get clogged (be sure to something like Drip Clean). At times, they would not shut off and flooded. I think some of that may have been caused by too airy a soil but can not say for sure.

Airpots works great. Though a pain to tranplant into IMHO.


Active Member
Now my next Question. Is there a different forum that I can post this too that anyone knows of where I can get more than just one response? Any forums that are not dead and yesterdays news like this one is? I not be Mean. It is not my intention to hurt any rollitup feelings, but I find it shocking that out of a whole day almost after posting, and only one person posted.