questions bout my big bug with some red leaves///color?????


Well-Known Member

So ive been flowering my bigbud ladies for about 8 weeks so far. got them under 400 w hps, in a grow tent, organic,, fox farm nutes,ph levelusually round 5.8-6.3... temp usually around 75- 80 degrees/. during the day and during night probly 68-70 degrees.. So ive been noticing that the bud and some of the leaves are turning a red type of color and some of the buds have it as well... could this be do to the temperature drop at night??? feeding habits?? or some plants just do this.?? any comments would help a brotha out.. thanks lots peace..

check the flicks





Well-Known Member
are you sure thats bug bud? some strains just show ressesive genes that bring out pretty colors once in a while, but that doesn't look like any big bud i'v ever seen. they look healthy to me though, gonna be some yummy bud.



Well-Known Member
well heres the deall... so i met this dude one time at a job i had in the past... i was slangin bud at the time (top shit) neways he would always cop from me and wed chill once in a while.. he was an older cat and called me over one day...... long story short.... he gives me some growing equipment he used in the past as well as some big bug (supposedly) and whitewidow.... the lil baggy i got thats suppose to be big bud says "BB" what else u suppose it could be???>.. its got a really potent fruity smell to it and smokes really good with a strong hit........ any inputs u can think of????


Well-Known Member
thats what im sayin maybe blueberry.... its some fire yo.. .i take one hit and it expands my chest crazy///// everyone coughs regardless and gives a clean high...... no crazy come down at all.....


Well-Known Member
lookin good man. it is natural for leaves to turn crazy colors and die off during the end of flowering.


Well-Known Member
well i knew that leaves fell off and turned color.... but ive had big bud before (smoked) and it wasnt anything how this bud turned out.