Questions For a Cannabis Club


Well-Known Member
Oh I think this is gonna hurt...... I'm gonna find out there's a way for me to grow weed legal and I mentioned it and was already vetoed by the husband. Maybe I can wear him down over a couple years.....

So how much do you both charge the clubs? And how much can you move legally? What kinda supply and demand are we talking here for an average club? What are the start up costs on a new club itself? Can you breed strains for seeds to sell to clubs?


Oh I think this is gonna hurt...... I'm gonna find out there's a way for me to grow weed legal and I mentioned it and was already vetoed by the husband. Maybe I can wear him down over a couple years.....

So how much do you both charge the clubs? And how much can you move legally? What kinda supply and demand are we talking here for an average club? What are the start up costs on a new club itself? Can you breed strains for seeds to sell to clubs?
i think it works something like...

you bring in your bud
the club owner looks at it
if he likes it, offers a price
if he doesn't, he doesn't...

that might not be exactly right but thats what i've gathered so far.... haha

legal bud growing and dealing... i might be out to norcal by the end of the year, haha


Well-Known Member
Are there any things a regular Joe-user can do to help in the fight to de-criminalize the use of MJ??

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
i just called. she was to busy to come to the phone. i'll go by and at least pick up some meds for my smoke report. it's the least i could do for you guys. thank you for your patients(pun intended).


Well-Known Member
i just got back from doing my interview. i got the boot. i knew i would. the interview went very well. i'll will write it up as an article in the next day or two. i started to take pics.......she said i soon as i got to the menu board one of the employees step over and said i couldn't take pics of the menu. i said "ok" and deleted it. she told me i could but i didn't want to argue. kiinda felt weird anyway. there were patients inside.


New Member
Elite Bowling society:lol:???

Yes i am interested in that question also. i wuld like to know which is the most popular strain 'cause then i am gonna grow it.:hump: I found some awesome information today on specific strain for specific illnesses.

Very very interesting. A few are well known strains but most I have never even heard of. Very cool

I think I found one very good strain for me.


has anyone said what is the highest profit item?


New Member
Elite Bowling society:lol:???

Yes i am interested in that question also. i wuld like to know which is the most popular strain 'cause then i am gonna grow it.:hump: I found some awesome information today on specific strain for specific illnesses.

Very very interesting. A few are well known strains but most I have never even heard of. Very cool

I think I found one very good strain for me.

what strains did you get??


New Member
An entire list including white widow and northern lights.
Most of the strains I hadn't heard of but some I had.

Sour disel
Jack herer - is primarily for ptsd and fibromyalgia.

These strains are very specific for exact disorders. Very cool info.

I will pm you tomorrow with some of the info. I can't access it at the moment.:-|

If there is anything you were specifically looking for...let me know and I will look it up.

There are a few good ones for back pain but you might already know of them. I don't have a good back either so perhaps we can exchange some info later.


The seeds I ordered are white willow, big bud (not for medical)
And bc mango. I have to do some more info on where to purchase these other seeds but its all good.

what strains did you get??


CFL Cabinet Grower
An entire list including white widow and northern lights.
Most of the strains I hadn't heard of but some I had.

Sour disel
Jack herer - is primarily for ptsd and fibromyalgia.

These strains are very specific for exact disorders. Very cool info.

I will pm you tomorrow with some of the info. I can't access it at the moment.:-|

If there is anything you were specifically looking for...let me know and I will look it up.

There are a few good ones for back pain but you might already know of them. I don't have a good back either so perhaps we can exchange some info later.


The seeds I ordered are white willow, big bud (not for medical)
And bc mango. I have to do some more info on where to purchase these other seeds but its all good.
I have a Jack Herer x Big Bud growing, should be nice. I like Jack a lot. :blsmoke:


New Member
I would think Jack Herer would be a good one on any menu of compassion clubs. The seeds are more expensive but the strain seems under-rated from what I have read lately.

For a strain as common as white widow, I think it has great many medicinal qualities. It seems because it so commonly known, the price is kept low but it has a high thc content, as everyone is well aware of. I think I have 2 or 3 of them growing. I won't know for sure for a few more weeds.

Soooo FDD, where are you????:confused:

He must be putting together a good compostion for the elite members and I can't wait. I find this topic extremely interesting. The more I find out about it, the more I wanna know. :roll:

I have a Jack Herer x Big Bud growing, should be nice. I like Jack a lot. :blsmoke:


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
You could ask what are ways smaller growers like me could help out or even start a cannabis club there selfs :blsmoke: