questions on adding my own nutes


Well-Known Member
I want to add my own nutrients this next grow so i have been doing a little reading and this is my plan. i just want to post it for feedback, positive or negative. i am new to this so please, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. thanks

my soil is black gold all natural mix that i added worm castings and more perlite to

so here is my plan for my nutes..........

VEG additives- Seaweed extract .1-.1-1.5
fox farm big bloom .1-.3-.7
fish emulsions 5-1-1
molasses 3-1-5

total NPK- 8.11-2.13-7.57

FLOWERING- Bat guano- 3-10-1
seaweed extract- .1-.1-1.5
fox farm grow big .1-.3-.7
molasses- 3-1-5

total NPK- 6.11-11.13-7.57

what do you all think? i know that phosphorus is a little low during veg, but it should be ok, right? and the flowering nutes NPK looks pretty good, right?

also, will making a tea out of the fish emulsions or bat guano, molasses and the grow big be a bad thing? then i can just foliar spray on the seaweed extract and occasionally soil drench with it.

and most importantly, am i going to burn my plants mixing all of these things together? i plan on applying it conservatively to start and see how they react, but i really do not want to mess up my plants trying to learn to add my own nutrients, so please dont be bashful in telling me that my ideas are bad ones, or good ones.

thanks again