Questions on Diamond Nectar with other feeds.


Active Member
I'm using the Soul Master Feeding program from Aurora Innovations ( a pretty all encompassing organic/synthetic nutrient line) and have been tinkering with additives. So far I've added CalMag, Superthrive, Root Excelurator, Rhino Skin and Diamond Nectar to the mix. My question is, do I really need the Diamond nectar--some of my liquid ferts have low levels of humic acids already in them. Think I'll benefit from bulking up a little on them or is there a chance of burn and i should ease back? Same question applies for the Calmag. Thanks for the help.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Humic acid is an uptake enhancer.
The chance for burn is there but I doubt it will effect you that way if used prudently.
Superthrive in veg is ok but does nothing for bloom phase.
In Soil? Cal/Mag at half strength won't hurt.
I LOVE Sea Green for an uptake enhancer! Be careful if you try it! You will need to cut back nutrient feeding by 50% or it will burn...GREAT stuff for Organics!