Questions on Poppie seeds. Opium etc..


Active Member
Ok I want to grow some poppies. But I don't know which ones are the best and legit ones to grow and where to obtain them. I heard Papaver somniferum is the best ones to buy But Which ones? I heard they got different ones withen Papaver somniferum(hens&chicks/blue seeds etc). Is there anyway I can obtain the ones they grow for medicinal use in pills? Anyone know the name of those? Or ones used in Afghanistan to make heroin? And the ones at the grocery store are Papaver somniferum but Is there anything different about them compared to ones ordered from internet.

I just need to know the best ones. Preferably Ones used for medicinal use or the afghanni ones.


Well-Known Member
Blue viable Papaver Somniferum seeds available for sale. Show me any price on google and I'll beat it. reply to this, or ,I'm new here so I'm not sure about private messaging, but if it's available hit me up like that. Or email me ( for $2 I can send samples of 1000 seeds or more. And they're legal to have, so I can get them to you no problem almost anywhere in the U.S. check out your local laws. That's not my responsibility.

Also, check out my blog

Lt. Fydor

I worked with the dude, who was studying Permaculture and was big into growing anything and everything. He also was a former heroin user and told me that ANY poppy plants will work. some are better than others, but here's what he told me: you plant some poppies, and they'll grow these plump bulb-like things. and when they get pretty big, you take a razor and lightly score some lines on the bulbs, then wait 24hrs, a syrup-ish substance will come out that you can collect. this is basically organic morphine, from which you can make all sorts of things.

he also said that normal people who grow poppies in their gardens will sometimes find that someone has raided their garden and cut down their poppies.

now, i don't know any of this for sure, but considering that you can get plain-jane poppy seeds anywhere for cheap, its worth a try. When I'm able, i'm going to try going off the grid and I plan on growing poppies in order to make a morphine tincture for medical purposes.
Any strain of Papaver somniferum will do. Hens & Chicks is a popular one with people who want to extract the opium because it produces more flowers (a big one surrounded by several little ones, hence the hens & chicks). I think the strain grown in Afghanistan and other opium producing countries is the Persian White. The flowers and pods are huge! I've always been hesitant to grow these strains because of the red flags they'll throw to people who know. I've heard stories of the DEA around the Dallas area digging up people's gardens and just generally harassing them after spotting these strains in their yards. Anyway, any strain of P. somniferum produces morphine (or thebaine, or whatever the precursor is). My favorite is a strain called Lauren's Grape, it's an awesome intense purple/blue flower, but I usually just pick up a color mix of seeds from the local nursery so it looks like an actual flower garden, and not a pharmaceutical production facility in my yard. Also, you have to "milk" the pods on the stalk, which also looks pretty suspicious unless you have an out-of-view backyard plot. I usually just make a tea out of the flower pod, works fine unless you really just want to smoke it. Mixing a little opium latex with some killer weed, by the way, is about as close to heaven as I've gotten. Have fun & good luck.


New Member
Buy them online from a reputable ethnobotanical company

Ebay and the like are people selling bread poppy seeds as something else usually

And not all poppies produce opium. California poppies dont anyways