Questions reguarding Haze


Well-Known Member
I had gotten some good seeds in some very expensive haze, which was hermy. I have successfully sprouted 10 out of 11 seeds i tried to germinate over the past year, but currently i am doing a 24/0, 6 - 2' Tube setup with a blend of different flourescent spectrums. It is a LST grow with 2 going in an auto-pot with the smartvalve and resevoir, with a blended mix of coco-coir, perlite, vermiculite, and sand. I mix the nutrients into the resevoir which is gravity fed to the plants. I had planted them and they came up in 2 days about an inch out of the soil and then started to bush from there, i started to train them early with slight bending to eventually over a week or two get the stem to be laying directly on its side on top of the coco and then corkscrew around the pot. With the flourescent tubes i want maximum penetration for the buds and leaves. I have FIM'ed both of them at the 4th node and basically have 4 nice tops on both plants, but one plant is noticably bigger. Both are growing a lush green but they had a little nute burn on some lower leaves. They are now about 3 1/2 weeks old and are very big, they look as if i was growing for 6, i guess they are doing good :) and i am curious if it is worth waiting for them to grow even bigger and wider or due to my confined space or should i flower them now? Do have strains stretch alot? Also if some of my bigger lower leaves are very nute burned should i cut them or is it better to leave them to die? Also does anyone know the flowering period for most haze strains?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
you should flower haze strains from the 5th internode at the latest, or straight from seed, cut some of the lower leaves with a sterile blade to let more light down to the lower part of plant and to let air circulate. and most haze strains have a flowering period of 14 weeks usely longer.


Well-Known Member
you should flower haze strains from the 5th internode at the latest, or straight from seed, cut some of the lower leaves with a sterile blade to let more light down to the lower part of plant and to let air circulate. and most haze strains have a flowering period of 14 weeks usely longer.
Well the two i have going are way further in then the 5th internode, since it is an LST grow there are plenty or internodes now a month in, and there are plenty of potential bud sites, the lower part of the plant is pretty much a bundle of stems it looks like a maze and the stems are all way down low spiralling around the pot. Each bud site off of the stems are going vertical. What is so good about how they are groing is i am using all the light to the buds that would usually be blocked. I also FIM'ed both so they have alot of bud sites. I feel the nutes as well are doing really good for the setup in the coco, both plants also have HUGE stalks for 1 month in i would say about this thickness | | . I am going to flower i guess once the grow and vigor nutes run out. Should i do one gallon of RO water without nutes as a flush from the vegetative cycle to flower? And since i have been vegging in 24/0 should i do a gradual decrease in light lets say from 24/0 to 18/6 to 12/12? Would that be a less stressful way?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
start flowering now or you'l run out of room they will take at least 14 weeks of flowering to finnish off. depends how much space you have(height) if you've six feet of height to play with then you'll run out of space(example)


Well-Known Member
Mine were harvested at 14 weeks and I would have went another 2 if it did not start to go hermie.


Well-Known Member
no one has grown haze here?
any pics of your plants. im growing haze and so are a few others,i got mine from greenhouse, and so are lots of others, im seeing. dont listern to piff. just cos hes never grown any, doesnt mean anyone else isnt. or hasnt. i am im growing 5 arjand strawberry haze, ive got a grow j. if you want to check it out. im also growing 5 bigbang along side.


Well-Known Member
Actually I planted some bagseed and some haze givin to me by a relitive. Dont know where she got it. it's kind of fluffyfeels like a pinecone and taste like metal lemon with the tiniest heint of menthol, I was told it was arjans ultra haze 2 bt i did not see the envelope the seeds came in. the bagseed was an indica and died young ( my bad) I'm thinking the hermie thing could have been me doing some noob mistake. though I'm not sure what.


Well-Known Member
i will try to get pictures, but i have a very nice lst canopy right now with both plants in the auto-pot system. Im going to do a gallon flush of RO water and then go to the bloom nutes on 12/12. Do you think i should go to a 18/6 cycle and then to 12/12 or it will be fine to do that much of a decrease in lighting? I believe the strain of haze i have might be even more of shorter breed, they are not going that wild in height because i also keep the flouros low to them. But they are doing awesome, nice dark, lush green