Questions to answer when high

Red rhino grower

New Member
So here are some questions that if your high and give answers to you'll laugh at how ridiculous you answer them.

If someone is named Jon smith and gets stopped by cops with no ID and doesnt know SSN how will they know who he is exactly? (Might give you a paranoid answer)

Is the cat or mouse smarter? (Must be high to answer this because you will analyze both of them)

And the age old question. If a tree falls down and no one is around to hear it did it make a sound? (This may drive you crazy when high)

These sound stupid but if you smoke a lot and ask these they will trip you out.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
So here are some questions that if your high and give answers to you'll laugh at how ridiculous you answer them.

If someone is named Jon smith and gets stopped by cops with no ID and doesnt know SSN how will they know who he is exactly? (Might give you a paranoid answer)

Is the cat or mouse smarter? (Must be high to answer this because you will analyze both of them)

And the age old question. If a tree falls down and no one is around to hear it did it make a sound? (This may drive you crazy when high)

These sound stupid but if you smoke a lot and ask these they will trip you out.
seems like some ones very high right now

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
I am I have a new connect and now im smoking like all hell. He also said if I take a kitten he has that he can't keep he would give me a free dime:lol::bigjoint: I might post a pic of the kitten later I named her lilly
haha thats cool u get a free kitten and a dime its a win win for u dude
post a pic of the kitten